No...I'm not talking about all the sodomy I've committed...
One of the hardest political concepts to grasp for the average guy is tobase
all your decisions on government on a core believe in what government should
or should not be.
Now for my sin... I opted in for,
I don't believe it's the governments job to tell anyone who they can or
cannot call!
I run a small business and get about 3 telemarketer calls a day...I can't
stand it! So now I'm participating in a government program my core believe tells
me is wrong. Please forgive me!
p.s. Up until now when one calls me I ask, what's your company name? Then I
say, you are on our list of companies never to do business with. We have a
policy of never doing business with any company that telemarkets us. They usually
hang up before I get it all out but it was the best I could come up with.
Happy Gay Day
Live free or die, Michael S.
Michael R. Sawyer
Trade Printing
1761 Kelly Street
San Mateo, CA 94403
ph: 650-286-0970
fax: 650-286-1980