The principles he laid out then remain as true today as they
did then. Excessive hatred or excessive hatred of any country
is dangerous. Nuetrality should be the objective of our foreign
---->DJ: Neutral like Belgium in 1914 or 1940? Neutral like we were
when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor?
Certainly we had no reason to be involved with Iraq. The
entire affair was due to excessive hatred on the part of the
President and minions at Fox News. Had George
Washington been alive, he probably would have come out of
retirement to oppose Bush. Congress certainly did not do it's
constitutional duty to declare war and to the proper due
diligence before making that decision.
---->DJ- Saddam was paying a bounty to palestinian bombers killing
innocent Jews. His secret police were torturing political dissidents.
Throwing them into meat grinders, by one witness's account. Rape
rooms, gassing the Kurds, and on and on. At what point does a
civilized people stand up and say ENOUGH!?
Might I say that if we still had our Constitutional Republic, the
government would have had no way to go lightly into war
because it would not have the money.
The income tax was never properly ratified
-----> DJ: I agree
and the Federa; Reserve and Bretton
Woods are both are both clearly prohibited by the
--->DJ: Can you show me why you believe the Federal Reserve is
prohibited by the courts?
both never properly vetted by the courts.
Ignoring the constitution does have it's sconsequences. The
pity is the hegemony of the dollar is coming to an end.soon it
will be china will be China with seven carrier groups that can
chase down anybody in the whole freakin and kill them
without a trial or even ID chart.
The world has plenty of reason to hate for our economic
hegemony in the form of Brettonn Woods imposed at the
world at the point of a gun at the approaching peak ofUS has
ben the onlyy country that does not have to pay it's bills and
can simply print it's debt, and thus afford world military
hegeemony on debt including bases in the holyiest country in
Islam and maintenance of dictatorships throughout that world.
--->DJ: We saved Saudi Arabia from certain overrun by Saddam in late 1990.
Wouldn't you be po'd if Saudi Arabia installed a pro Islam
governmnet in Washington and had bases all over the US to
help maintain order.
--->DJ: Yes. Big time. That's why I support efforts today to make
sure this never becomes a reality or a threat.
This country has done everything George Washington said
not to do since 1917.
As for Saddam, He was a dictator, our method of dealing with
dictators was Mutually Assured Destruction.
--->DJ: How about Saddam Assured Destruction? Why wait until it gets
to "mutual"? Look at how many perished in Stalin's gulags. Had it
not been for the Rosenberg's and others helping the Reds get the bomb,
things very well could have been very different, with far far less
human suffering at the hands of those Bolshevik beasts.
This strtegy had
our been our preminent foreign and military for over 55 years,
it had held Stalin, Kruschev and every other madman in
check for all that time. What made Saddam different that a
longstanding strategic principlie was abandoned. This broke
an even more longstanding American principle, "If it aint
fibroken don't fix it".
--->DJ: Held them in check? To me, the story of the 20th century is
the blood shed of millions at the hands of the Communists and Fascists
that you say were held in check.
Congress should have put out a nice constitutional reward of
say 500 million bucks for osamas head and thats the end of
--->DJ: We have one now for $100 million. It's not working. If $100
million isn't working why do you think $500 million will? This shows
why Letters of Marquis and Reprisal are laregly ineffective.
I saw a great bumper sticker the other day.
" Osama's Free, Are You?
--->DJ: I don't feel very free, but certainly more free than Osama,
who I bet does not sleep very well. I certainly haven't given a
friend of mine a pistol with orders to shoot me when the Army Rangers
knock on my door. Osama has.
If we are to maintain a big tent for the Libertarian party,
maybe we should ammend the pledge to say we will allow the
initiation of force on people who might be preparing to initiate
force on us someday because they must be hiding from
inspectors who are crawling all over thier country,but are not
allowed in thier holy places or presidential palaces.
Frankly, I think pro war Libertarians are an embarrasment and
are not clear on the concept of initiation of force.only in
response to a clear and present threat. I will make it clear in
my campaign for congress that I think a pro war Libertarian, is
an oxy moron.
--->DJ: Phil, I understand you have strong feelings on this as I do.
I think any airtime you get in your campaign though, (which I do
intend to support you on), will be better spent on other issues than
parsing the precise meaning of a Libertarian for the general
Saddam Hussain was not a threat to the US and maintaing
stability in Iraq was in our interest as George the elder
clearly understand.
Does the US need to arrest torture and kill innocent Muslims
just because some esposouse a radical hatred.
--->DJ: No. I'm against torture. It's never justifiable.
Do we need
to suspend the magna carta and the first and and fifth
amendments with the patriot act. We fought wwII and the
cold war with out the so called Patriot act.
--->DJ: I don't know why you bring up the Magna Carta as it is not the
law of our land. The Patriot Act is a disgrace and should be removed
And finally Derek, Renata wants me to go to bed, I will repeat,
If we did not have the dammed Federal Reserve to keep
forever printing more and more dollars, the cost of this war
would have been immediatly seen in interest rates or taxes,
and be over by now.
--->DJ: I agree the cost of the war would be more immediately seen in
interest rates or taxes, but I disagree that it would be over.
This war has radicalized a lot of young people throughout the
moslem world and made things a heck a lot more dangerous
for us and the next generation.
--->DJ: Well, lot's of people don't like it when they don't get their
way. If they choose to attack US interests or our allies, then I'll
be happy to help them get to Allah and the 1,000 virgins sooner rather
than later.
It is just plain sad that people that believe in the war and
believe in the Fox News pipedream that all is right with the
economy and that debt and deficits piling up to infinity do not
matter and in fact are a sign of economic strength, that
people such as these run around calling themselves
---->DJ: In fact do think the economy is going quite well right now.
Is one not espousing the initiation of force when one is a
position of influence and states that the economic and
banking suystem operates freely and without force and fraud.
--->DJ: The terms "economic and banking system" are too broad to make
such sweeping statements. Do I believe the economic and banking
systems are totally free and without fraud? No, of course not. Do I
believe that the US has the best economic and banking system in the
world today? Yes. But we should strive to improve it by making it
more free. It's going to take awhile though.
Is one not espousing the initiation when one supports the
initiation and continuation of a war where the initial
justification could have undermined if Congress had done it's
duty before hand.
--->DJ: This shows why the "initiation of force" pledge is an inkblot.
Saddam initiated force against our allies, minorities in his country,
and tortured Iraqis. He also was developing chemical and biological
weapons. To me, we are responding to his initiation of force. Phil,
if you and I are ever walking down the street, and someone jumps out
to rob you, I promise that I will help defend you. Should I just
stand there and watch even though the robber has not "initiated force"
against me?
If one is not troubled by espousing the initiation of force isn't it
best if one self identifies as something other than Libertarian.
--->DJ: I'm sorry you feel this way. I think you'll find there are a
lot more people identifying as Libertarians that support the war than
you might believe there are. Certainly within San Francisco I'm an