Fight government-controlled Wi-Fi in San Francisco!

Dear Friends,

Gavin Newsom has been talking about providing "free WiFi" in San Francisco, but it would be anything but free. The Mayor's play to grant special status to only one WiFi provider in San Francisco would essentially create a government-controlled WiFi monopoly in SF. There are so many reasons to oppose a government-controlled Internet, that if I listed them all here, you'd be reading all day. To learn more, you can go to PRI's fact page at:

Or you can see links to related data here:

PRI is calling on you to take some time this weekend to oppose government controlled WiFi.
Please go to the PRI homepage (http:// and click on the "Fight Government-Controlled
Internet in San Francisco" banner up top. This will send an e-mail to Mayor Gavin Newsom expressing your views.

If you could join in -- and if you could pass the word on to your friends and family to join in -- it will only serve to strengthen the voices of the free market.

Yours in Liberty,

Sonia, In toto I love your
work. However the Union
Square example may not
be the best. I don't know
if it was Newsom or
Brown, but one of them
thought of leasing out a
coffee shop in the middle
of the square in order to
try to attract a more
socialable demographic
to the space. The
installation of wireless in
the square might be
looked at as simply good
land lord management
practice. Best not pick on
them in areas where the