Ever wanted to start your own school?

Have you ever wanted to start your own school?

If so, please join LibertarianEducators, a discussion group
at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LibertarianEducators/.
We currently have 28 members.

We are certified teachers or those seeking certification
who are opposed to the direction our schools are headed in.

... Aaron J. Biterman

-- Chairman, College Libertarians USA:
-- Comprehensive Listing of Notable Libertarians
-- Comprehensive Listing of Libertarian Professors

"The most dimwitted attempt at argument we’ve heard in this mortal world
is the supposed retort to any advocate of freedom: 'Do you mean to be free
to starve?' We mean, do you think you can’t starve with your hands tied?''
-- Isabel Bowler Paterson (1886-1961), classical liberal author & essayist