election results

The numbers:

(97% reporting)

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Gary Coleman

Leo Gallagher

Ned Roscoe

John J. 'Jack' Hickey

Maybe be need to find some libertarian celebrities?

-- Steve

Steve Dekorte wrote:

Maybe be need to find some libertarian celebrities?

No kidding.

I just got the book "The Substance of Style" in which Virginia Postrel argues that style, looks, "surface", are valuable commodities in an of themselves to human beings:

"As soon as the Taliban fell, Afghan men lined up at barbershops to have their beards shaved off. Women painted their nails with once-forbidden polish. Formerly clandestine beauty salons opened in prominent locations. Men traded postcards of beautiful Indian movie stars, and thronged to buy imported TVs, VCRs, and videotapes. Even burka merchants diversified their wares, adding colors like brown, peach, and green to the blue and off-white dictated by the Taliban's whip-wielding virtue police. Freed to travel to city markets, village women demanded better fabric, finer embroidery, and more variety in their traditional garmets.
Liberation is supposed to be about grave matters: elections, education, a free press. But Afgans acted as though superficial things were just as important."