Election results link

Heres a good link to keep up with results state by state (if you

Dear Everyone;

I just finished voting here in SF. Imagine my surprise when I opened the ballot to vote for President and Michael Badnarik was at the top of the list! Talk about luck of the draw for placement. Now if only that could have happened in the 49 states where he's on the ballot! We could have been talking a Dark Horse taking the lead by default.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

Remember if you have already have voted it's not too late to go back and vote again. The polls are open to 8:00 pm.

"Dr. Michael R. Edelstein" <dredelstein@...> wrote:

Heres a good link to keep up with results state by state (if you
stand hearing the guys on TV any longer:-)
CNN.com Election 2004 - U.S. President

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