I have printed the Survey. The language is rather elevated, and the survey takers might have to explain what some words mean (I am guessing this from the questions I have gotten when giving the World's Smallest Political Quiz). I am listing the questions below; respondents circle the usual "strongly agree", etc. etc.
With our proposed initiative for the November ballot being worked on right now, our commitment to recruit more activists (and dues) on our own, and the discouraging anti-liberty path our City has been on, I am hoping some of you will volunteer to conduct this survey. I believe the survey results will provide us with means to improve our outreach activities.
Volunteer Kit Survey:
1. I know a lot about the Libertarian Party
2. I agree with general Libertarian principles
3. I understand Libertarian Party platform on major issues
4. The Libertarian Party platform is close to what most people believe
5. I view the Libertarian Party favorably
6. I think the Libertarian Party is a viable 3rd Party
7. I feel the Libertarian Party plays an important role in political debate
8. I would consider voting for a Libertarian candidate
9. I would like to see Libertarian candidates in election debates.
10. I agree with direction of my current party
11. I know one or more members of the Libertarian Party