If I understand their feedback, Mike D. is against and Starchild favors discussing veganism on LPSF-discuss.
As the ultimate decider of these things, what is your verdict?
Warm regards, Michael
If I understand their feedback, Mike D. is against and Starchild favors discussing veganism on LPSF-discuss.
As the ultimate decider of these things, what is your verdict?
Warm regards, Michael
Dear All;
The overall preference would be for any discussions on veggies be Libertarian oriented and what eating veggie has to do with Libertarianism its principles philosophy guidelines politics membership voting candidates and so forth.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno
That is fine with me Ron....
Dear All,
As one of the moderators of this list, maybe I should put in my half a
cent on the "list dynamics" part. I agree with Starchild that one of
the great appeals of this list is that no subject is off topic.
However, since this list was established to discuss libertarian views,
perhaps we can cloth any subject we are moved to discuss with a
political slant, as Ron suggests. BTW, I believe we started the plant
discussion with my comment that as libertarians, we prefer to
influence the market with things we do, rather than with government
edicts; such as what we purchase, what we eat, etc.
Dear All;
The overall preference would be for any discussions on veggies be
Libertarian oriented and what eating veggie has to do with
Libertarianism its principles philosophy
guidelines politics membership voting candidates and so forth.
Since our numbers are small in a large population of statists, prolonging
our productive lives could compensate to some extent for this.
Roger McBride, Roy Childs, Murray Rothbard, and Marshall Fritz are a few of
the pioneering libertarians who died prematurely, most likely as a
consequence of poor diet. The better informed we libertarians are anent what
constitutes healthful eating, the more effective our choices if we wish to
avoid the degenerative diseases of aging.
Does this qualify as a topic of relevance to libertarians?
Warm regards, Michael
Dear Dr. Mike
Only the good die young - and if true then dining on a Double Big Mac Triple Cheese Whopper Angus Steak Burrito Quesadilla Supremo Extra Crispy Bucket with Giant-Size order fries is the way to go with a Slurppy of course. ; -) ; -)
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno
I have read with interest the vegetarianism thread........but I must take
exception to the notion that this is "the" way to prolong life.......
being an Italian Catholic whose grandparents climbed off the boat..........I
have been raised on a steady diet of olive oil, pancetta,
prosciutto,tomato's, myriad cuts of beef, pasta, lots and lots of
wine....................just like my grandparents.......who are all in their
mid 90's...............
and whilst a bit nutty perhaps..........are all vigorous and possess healthy
so go now
and make some hoppin john or whatever the hell makes you smell like that
and btw
clutching a rosary and saying a few our fathers isn't a bad idea either
You've talked me into it. Let's have our LPSF meetings at a MacDonald's.
Warm regards, Michael
Your family data highlights an important point.
If you have good genes (longevity-wise) then a poor diet may not do you in.
I emphasize the role of diet since you can't alter your genes (yet).
Warm regards, Michael
I'm not the Moderator of this list. I happily leave that to Marcy.
Nowadays, I only serve as moderator of private, members-only lists
that have maybe a dozen people on them at most, and they're typically
ExCom-type lists where someone had to be elected or appointed to a
position to even be on the list.
FYI, I receive all individual emails on lpsf-activists, because we
tightly control that list for membership and to stay on topic as to
what LPSF activists (people who show up to a meeting at least yearly
and participate in our activities) can actually DO here in SF.
But since lpsf-discuss is mostly "anything-goes" except for personal
attacks, I only get a daily digest, so I can skip any topics that
aren't of interest to me.
So, if I'm willing to go for a daily digest as Chair, I don't think
anyone would think any less of an individual member (Mike, etc.)
choosing to do the same.
It's just that I've found that the "you're censoring us" battle goes
on far longer than any temporary veering off topic on most lists, so I
prefer Marcy's current policy of only moderating people when they get
Dear All;
The overall preference would be for any discussions on veggies be
Libertarian oriented and what eating veggie has to do with
Libertarianism its principles philosophy
guidelines politics membership voting candidates and so forth.