Dear David,
Thank you for your e-mail and your questions. I hope the answers
below will prove helpful:
1. LP National will indeed move to zero dues on October 1, 2005.
Anyone who signs the Non-Agression Pledge is a member of National.
Anyone can join National by signing the Pledge.
2. LP National is still deciding who will get LP News, but most
likely, LP News will be offered on a subscription basis.
3. Voting membership in LP California, and therefore in LP San
Francisco as one of its affiliates, is $25.00 until September 30,
2005 for existing members. LP CA suggests you **mail** your payment
to reach them by 9/30/05 to renew at the old rate. LP CA is working
hard to bring all the systems in line with the new rules; the pay-on-
line feature on the LPCA website apparently has not yet been updated.
4. Regarding your Life Membership, I quote from LP CA Chair Aaron
Starr's e-mail of 9/4/05 to LP County Officers: "If the National
Party considered you a Life Member on September 30, 2005, we will
consider you a Life Member of the California Party." If the
California Party considers you a Life Member, the LPSF will have to
do so also.
The following was not part of your questions, but I am offering it as
additional information for what it might be worth:
1. The apparent reason for the split between LP National and the
state parties was to avoid problems that might arise under the new
campaign finance laws.
2. The reason LP CA is charging dues is that it costs money to carry
out the delegates/members wishes (votes). Relying on voluntery
donations alone may not be fair, since conceivably someone voting at
a local meeting or convention sustained by donations may not have
contributed any funds at all. I say this scenario may not be fair
because I personally believe in putting your money where your heart
I first joined the LP back in the early '90s. At the time, in the
days long before the UMP, I sent $500.00 to the San Francisco
Libertarian Party (as it then called itself) for a Life Membership.
Since then, I have paid National Dues off and on. I believe my most
recent dues payment was $25 to National towards the end of December.
Now, if I understand correctly, no dues are required to maintain my
National membership (but I suppose a payment may be required to
receive LP News?) However, the State party requires dues to maintain
State/County membership. The minimum level for renewal is currently
$25, but increases to $50 on September 30th.
When I go to the official site of the Libertarian Party of
and click on the link labeled "Join the LPC", which my browser
tells me should go to
it actually goes (is redirected, I suppose) to the National
Libertarian Party membership page
where there appears to be no mention of the national zero dues
policy. Is this the right place to renew my LPC membership? (and is
it possible that if I did not renew, I would nevertheless,
confusingly, continue to be a member at the National [$0 dues] and
County [Life member] level, but not at the State level?)
David R. Jeffries
From: Steve Dekorte <steve@d...>
Sent: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 01:14:23 -0700
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] Dues Confusion/Disappointment
> Do you mean not rejoining as a paid member, or not maintaining
> voter registration as Libertarian?
The former. I still plan to vote for Libertarian candidates as long