Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association Candidates' Night (Mon. Sept. 11, 730-9pm)

WHAT: Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association Candidates Night
WHEN: Monday, September 11, 730-930 p.m.
WHERE: Davies Hospital, Castro & Duboce, North Tower, Lower Level B Auditorium

  I just happened to find out about this event when I came across a copy of the group's newsletter. I left a message this evening on the group's voicemail, but given that I wasn't invited, I do not know whether I will be allowed to debate or not.

  However I intend to show up regardless, and give them grief if they don't let me participate. Either way, I could use your presence. Please consider making and bringing a sign to hold at the venue in case they go the exclusionary route. Some suggested slogans:

D.T.N.A. = Democracy? That's Not Allowed!
DTNA, Let Starchild Debate!
Let's Hear From ALL 3 Candidates For D8 Supervisor!
Meet DTNA, Your EXCLUSIONARY Neighbors!

  Thanks for your support!

Love & liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>
      Candidate for Supervisor, District 8