Direct Action Forum update/Ballot arguments, etc.

I've spoken with Chris, and he told me he has confirmed candidate for Sheriff Tony Carrasco to appear at the Direct Action Forum Candidates' Night tomorrow. He said District Attorney candidate Bill Fazio may come. I called Sheriff Michael Hennessey's office and was given his campaign number, but was unable to reach anyone there. I'll keep trying them. I also spoke with Terence Hallinan's campaign manager. She says Terence has two endorsement events tomorrow between 630 and 830pm, but may be able to drop by between them or after 830, although she says he has another meeting then.

  On the one hand, it's great to see a lot of conversation on our list, with discussion of serious intellectual topics like monopolies in an anarcho-capitalist society. On the other hand, I'm frustrated by the fact that this seems to be taking priority over us actually getting anything done. There was no response to my post asking about format for the DAF candidate event, or my post about ballot measures (other than Mike Denny acknowledging the date correction).

  Today is August 19th. The deadline for submitting free ballot arguments was at noon. We missed it. This is a serious blunder for our party, because these ballot arguments are one of the most effective ways we have of communicating our message to the public, and the opportunity only comes along once a year. I admit I dropped the ball on this, but if there had been any discussion or interest in response to my previous message, I might have been more focused on the deadline and not let it slip by before submitting something.
  There have been some posts about people going to the Chat tomorrow, so I hope everyone remembers that this is our Candidate Night and the Chat is next week. It's important that we have a good turnout, in order to make the candidates who show up feel that it is worth their while to appear at LPSF events in the future, so I hope everyone who can make it will attend.

  We still have until noon next Tuesday to submit paid ballot arguments, but these are expensive. Mike Denny spoke of his campaign wanting to go in with someone on one or two. I'm willing to help with writing or be a signatory, but I'm not prepared to pay a significant sum out of pocket. I'm not sure whether it's the best use of our limited party funds or not. What do others think?

Yours in liberty,
                <<< Starchild >>>
                  LPSF Outreach Director

Starchild wrote:

We still have until noon next Tuesday to submit paid ballot arguments, but these are expensive. Mike Denny spoke of his campaign wanting to go in with someone on one or two. I'm willing to help with writing or be a signatory, but I'm not prepared to pay a significant sum out of pocket. I'm not sure whether it's the best use of our limited party funds or not. What do others think?

How much does this cost? -Mike

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        I've spoken with Chris, and he told me he has confirmed candidate
Sheriff Tony Carrasco to appear at the Direct Action Forum Candidates'
Night tomorrow. He said District Attorney candidate Bill Fazio may

This is backwards; Bill Fazio is confirmed. Tony Carrasco will not be able
to attend, but will send answers to the questionnaire.

- --
Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as
distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
~Ambrose Bierce / Freelance text nerd: <URL: >
PGP Fingerprint: BBA6 4085 DED0 E176 D6D4 5DFC AC52 F825 AFEC 58DA


  You're right, my error.

            <<< Starchild >>>