Did you see the Pirmary Election Voters Guide?

Not sure what you mean here by "created the concept." This looks like a ballot statement, and I know you're not saying you created the concept of the ballot statement! 8)

  I wanted to reword and reformat it from the old way.

  I like the points following "The Libertarian Party supports your right to...
  Thank you... I did that...

  " However I don't particularly like the first paragraph, especially the apple pie reference.

  Awww... I'm to blame... I'll explain why I did that sometime

  That sounds very nationalist. I'd replace it with "The Libertarian Party stands for liberty and responsibility."

  Good idea!
  If and when we rework it, I am going to give you a shot at helping!

  "Like you, we have jobs, businesses, families, and dreams," is also language more likely to appeal to conservatives. Why not instead say something like, "Like you, we care about war, homelessness, social justice, and the environment?"

  Hmmm... I guess we could... We have a limit to the number of words, and that was exactly the number
  of words we were allotted, and not one more. I was trying to appeal to the non-libertarians among us that
  are reading the statement. And, I thought the majority of people have those four things.
  But, I suppose that for even more people, your statment would be true.

  I would also probably tweak the style of the whole thing to sound a little more youth-oriented.

  Go for it, Mister!
  Let's see your version and next time it's up for discussion, I'll put your ideas and your version forward!
  PS The new citizen's guide to political parties LP statement has me also as the principal author.
        Please give input on it, too!

  Yours in liberty,
  <<< Starchild >>>

The word "tolerant" makes it sound like one cringes at the thought of others making their own social choices, but "tolerate" it. How about "socially liberal"? Also, fiscally conservative would be more meaningful as many people would consider not providing social services to be irresponsible.

-- Steve


  Let me know when the thing's up for revision, and I'll be happy to help. I don't want to go through and try to give it more of a Gen-X/Y tone right now, but I invite you to check out one of the MoveOn.org commercials that they classified as a "youth" spot: http://www.bushin30seconds.org/view/2472_small.shtml.

  I like the ad because it exudes irreverence without coming across as hate-driven. There is kind of a casual cynicism there that I think younger people will relate to when it comes to politics.

Yours in liberty,
            <<< Starchild >>>

Not sure what you mean here by "created the concept." This looks like a ballot statement, and I know you're not saying you created the concept of the ballot statement! 8)

I wanted to reword and reformat it from the old way.

I like the points following "The Libertarian Party supports your right to...
Thank you... I did that...

" However I don't particularly like the first paragraph, especially the apple pie reference.

Awww... I'm to blame... I'll explain why I did that sometime

That sounds very nationalist. I'd replace it with "The Libertarian Party stands for liberty and responsibility."
Good idea!
If and when we rework it, I am going to give you a shot at helping!

"Like you, we have jobs, businesses, families, and dreams," is also language more likely to appeal to conservatives. Why not instead say something like, "Like you, we care about war, homelessness, social justice, and the environment?"

Hmmm... I guess we could... We have a limit to the number of words, and that was exactly the number
of words we were allotted, and not one more. I was trying to appeal to the non-libertarians among us that
are reading the statement. And, I thought the majority of people have those four things.
But, I suppose that for even more people, your statment would be true.

I would also probably tweak the style of the whole thing to sound a little more youth-oriented.

Go for it, Mister!
Let's see your version and next time it's up for discussion, I'll put your ideas and your version forward!

PS The new citizen's guide to political parties LP statement has me also as the principal author.
Please give input on it, too!

Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>

I am the principal author of this, and created the concept.
Did you like it?

Bruce Cohen



The Libertarian Party is as American as apple pie. Like you, we have jobs, businesses, families and dreams. We've entered the political arena to restore liberty and American values. We're working toward a government that taxes and spends less, and won't interfere with your personal life.

If you describe yourself as socially tolerant and fiscally responsible, you're a Libertarian!

We believe you—not the government—should decide how to run your life, checkbook, retirement, education and family.

The Libertarian Party supports your right to:

keep what you earn. Reduce or eliminate taxes whenever possible.
run your own business and enjoy your property. Reducing regulations and paperwork creates more jobs, higher pay, and lower prices.
educate your children as you see fit.
choose your own lifestyle. The government shouldn't consider you a criminal because of your choices in relationships, recreation or medical treatment.
truly equal treatment under the law regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, or personal characteristics.
own a firearm. Self-defense is a right, not a political favor.
With over 60 elected Libertarians in California and over 525 officeholders countrywide, we're a real and growing choice.

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