Defend the rights of street-based sex workers (TONIGHT, 6pm, Valencia street police station)

Sorry for the late notice, but if anybody's around and interested, there's a community meeting tonight at 6pm at the Valencia Street police station (I believe we met there once) at the corner of Valencia and 18th. Some of the neighbors are apparently agitating against prostitutes doing business in the neighborhood of 20th and Capp streets; more voices to help communicate the truth that objectionable behavior (violence, litter, disturbing the peace, etc.) is already illegal, and that those individuals responsible for such behavior should be held accountable *as individuals*, without blaming everyone who simply happens to be in the area trying to make an honest living despite being wrongfully criminalized and put at risk by government.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))


I am in New York now. Otherwise I would be there.

I will return to the Bay Area in two days.

Sam Sloan

The meeting was interesting. Probably around 40 people, I'd say at least a plurality supportive of our point of view, judging by the applause after various speakers. I identified myself as a sex worker when I spoke, and two reporters approached me afterward wanting to interview me at some point, Helene Goupil from Mission Local and Molly Sanchez from Reporting SF. I believe they are both small, local online publications. There were two cops there facilitating, who seemed to be trying to stay neutral and hear both sides. They told us there will be another meeting at the end of next month, same time and place (the Mission police station community room, on Valencia between 17th and 18th streets, at 6pm). I don't believe they specified a date.

  I think having sex work activists there helped keep the neighbors complaints in moderation -- most of those complaining focused on noise and litter as opposed to attacking sex work per se, although they did generally appear to hold the sex workers and their clients responsible for these things. Only a couple people really went off on "quality of life" type rants without seeming to have any comprehension of the issues involved.

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))