Current text of surveillance brochure


Thank you for your passionate and well-written article.

In each pair, the first (S) is from your article, the second (M) my

1S. In San Francisco, every MUNI bus, every BART car, and every taxi
cab now have cameras installed.
1M. In San Francisco, every MUNI bus and every BART car now have
cameras installed.

2S. New cars and cellphones are being manufactured with GPS devices
that allow the authorities to pinpoint your location when you are
using them.
2M. Delete.

3S. Many stores and businesses install their own cameras, which often
capture passers-by on the street as well as customers.
3M. Delete.

4S. Firms including Gillette and Wal-Mart are eagerly looking into
putting RFID chips in consumer products. Voicemail systems used by
large companies typically inform you that "your call may be recorded
or monitored." While personal data collected by corporations at least
starts out in many different private hands instead of under the
control of a powerful central authority that's trying to run your
life, governments can easily demand access to this data and footage
once it exists. A company called Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) is
even making chips designed to be implanted in human beings. Who has
ADS targeted as its top customer? The U.S. government.
4M. Delete.

5S. Many have become so conditioned to fear terrorism or ordinary
crime that they welcome the security they think submitting to more
surveillance will bring them, without thinking about the consequences.
5M. Many have become so conditioned to fear terrorism or ordinary
crime that they welcome the security they think submitting to more
Government surveillance will bring them, without thinking about the

6S. "[insert a good quote here]"
-George Orwell, "1984"
6M. Please check the quote with your friendly censor (me).

Best, Michael