Dear Rob and All Others;
Marcy wrote in part:
So your suggestion gave me another
idea: how about fashioning on our
LPSF website a column where folks
like me could tell of their first hand
experiences with socialism or fascism
as related to some aspect of San Francisco
politics. Just a thought.
A topic for discussion as to including a
"memoirs" section on the LPSF web
site for such personal anecdotes as
related to Libertarianism is not a bad
As all of us have had a variety
of personal experiences and relating
them in relation to the Libertarian
experience and philosophy and principles
would be noteworthy and useful to us all.
It would of course not have to be
specifically related to socialism or fascism
but related to all political categories.
The general requirements could be
stating a personal experience a
Libertarian philosophy or principle
relating to the experience and what
was learned from the experience
and so on.
The article would be submitted to LPSF
web site master Rob for review and
editing then publishing.
What the title could be for the
section is a good guess right now.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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