You make one important distinction that leads to another important distinction.
1) the difference between electing candidates and advancing you say they are different
2) the difference between freedom and the idea of freedom
We can look at these distinctions through the lens of new additional gun laws in California, today, activating police powers over additional personal choices.
While the police powers are the same search, seizure, arrest, injury, incarceration, prosecution, fine, imprisonment, and death, today, these powers are now advance agsinst freedom.
Meanwhile, the idea of freedom
may be advanced by the pain caused by the advancement of police power, while freedom itself retreats.
Marcy is looking at the forty-year retreat of freedom, from the advancement of police-power, government-regulation, and taxation. Then there is the obvious question whether the LP is only a bystander to the end of freedom, while eagerly advancing the idea of freedom.
Depending on what you want, the LP is either a success, or pathetic, misersble failure.
This is something for the thinking, rational person to look at.