Crickenberger has gone to Galt's Gulch

Sad news for friends of Ron Crickenberger.

Dear Friends,

Some of you were aware that Ron had metastic melanoma, others weren't. Unfortunately we had only two months from the diagnosis to this morning, when Ron passed away after a very painful month. The last two weeks were spent in the hospital, where pain and the nurses Ratchet took turns torturing our beautiful blue eyed freedom fighter. However, I can report that he was valiant to the end, as always. He was able to see his days old grandchild, and through the morphine and pain we saw him smile into her face.

This is cruel beyond belief, but I want you all to know that I will do my best to take comfort in how fortunate I was to be Ron's partner for nearly 13 wonderful years. He was and is a tolerant, loving, benevolent soul. And the outpouring of support from our friends and family is making it possible for me to go on.

To those who ask "what can I do?" I will tell you what Ron told Aaron Russo the night he was admitted to the hospital: give to the Advocates for Self-Government in Ron's name. He was raising funds for the Advocates when he was stricken. His children will get a portion of the donation, and you will be helping a fine organization. I believe their number is 770-386-8372.

Thank You,
