The proposed resolution -- which *is* my motion, they are not two separate things -- says nothing about 48 hours, and does not address, let alone constrain, the time during which a vote may take place.
You appear to be referring language that is *already part of the bylaws*: "The Executive Committee will complete voting any time after forty-eight hours from the transmission time of the mail ballot..."
I included the text of Bylaw 12, Section 4 in my email for the convenience of ExCom members and others, since it is the part of our existing bylaws which addresses the topic of Executive Committee electronic communication. That language is *not* part of my resolution; nothing in my resolution changes anything in the bylaws, as our committee does not have the authority to make any such changes.
The only time period mentioned in my resolution is 72 hours, which is the period that would be required for discussion following someone making a motion via email before voting would take place.
In light of this additional information, I hope you will reconsider your vote against the proposal.
* * *
Regarding the other libertarian email lists I copied on my message, you complained before about me doing that, and I responded that I am happy to forward to those lists any responses you might wish to make to my posts. Or you can simply subscribe to them yourself if you wish; with the exception of the Grassroots Libertarians Caucus list which is for caucus members, I believe they are all open lists to which anyone may subscribe. Posting emails about Executive Committee business to those lists provides *more* transparency, not less!
If the LPC Executive Committee maintained an email discussion list itself, to which party members could subscribe, then it would be less necessary for me to copy my emails to numerous other lists in order to give Libertarian Party of California members not on our committee the opportunity to know what their ExCom members are doing. I certainly support the creation and use of such a list -- do you?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))