Congress Obviously Doesn’t Read Your Letters

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Does Congress read your letters?
Not much and not well. It shows in the stupid canned responses they send. I write my letters for other reasons, and you should too...
1. Notice can still be served to politicians who don't read their mail.
Can you avoid the responsibility of paying your bills by refusing to open your mail? Neither can Congress avoid its responsibility by failing to read your letters.

When you write Congress you put the burden on them.
But when you fail to write Congress the failure lies with you.
Put the burden where it belongs; write Congress.
2. Justify your cause to outside observers.
The Declaration of Independence followed a string of appeals that King George refused to read.
These appeals paved the way for the Declaration. They justified secession to all outside observers. You must do what the Founders did.

Ask for reasonable reforms.
Share your appeals with others so they can see you doing it.
You win either way...

If Congress responds then things improve.
If Congress ignores your reasonable requests then they lose legitimacy, and this paves the way to erect new forms of government.
You must do the steps. They cannot be skipped. Do your duty, and enjoy the process.
3. Quantity matters more than eloquence.
We have always said that size matters. Larger forces generally win battles.
Every political controversy resolves down to one question:

You and what army?
4. To get an army, you must recruit.
You must “practice what you preach” to recruit others. With recruitment, we can get so big Congress cannot afford to ignore us. Moreover...
5. By sharing these letters, we reach a more important audience.

You don't need to convince your Congressman.
But if you're sharing your letters with others, then you are reaching people who can and will hear. Let's face it...
Congressmen weren't elected by the Russians nor appointed by Martians. They were given their positions by people you know!

What matters most is winning the battleground of your neighbor’s mind, the district of their heart, and the precinct of their conscience.
Let Congress ignore you, until trouble springs on these “representatives” like thieves in the night.
6. You can make staffers “uneasy.”
Someone must read your letter to count your position and to know which form letter to send. Congressional staffers are your second target audience.
We want to make these handlers uneasy. Why? Politicians only have power because underlings enjoy being in the presence of it. What if...

they were required, by letter writers you recruited, to confront being an accessory to immoral and evil acts?
they lost sleep or dreaded going to work because they felt like accomplices?
they became self-conscious, wondering if others thought less of them for associating with the “criminal-political element?”

NOTE: I caution you on this last point, because we're not making personal attacks. We're not trying to hurt these people. But we certainly want them to feel uncomfortable with the actions with which they've voluntarily associated themselves.
YOU HAVE POWER. USE IT! Write Congress...

To serve notice — put the burden on them
To share your letters with friends so others can witness your appeals for reasonable reform
So your views can be counted, and make the CapHill crowd uneasy
Use your power now by sending a letter on behalf of our “Write the Laws Act.”
You can copy or edit the letter I sent...

You give your law-making power to bureaucrats who write thousands of rules each year. It’s unconstitutional because Article I says Congress should make the laws, not unelected bureaucrats.* Unconstitutional means its illegal
* Illegal means it’s criminal
* The Write the Laws Act would end this criminality
I ask you to support this REASONABLE reform. Failure to do so will make you illegitimate in my eyes.
Send your letter using Downsize DC’s free Educate the Powerful System.
Serve notice to Congress. Let others see you doing it. Share your letter with friends. Ask them to duplicate your action. Use your power!
Jim Babka
President, Inc.
If you found this article valuable please share it. You can follow Jim Babka on Twitter @JimBabka
T h e D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

Reply to this message if you need help. We're eager to assist.
Forwarding or reprinting is encouraged so long as you retain the attribution and action links and do not edit., Inc. is dedicated to withdrawing consent from State criminality. The Downsize DC Foundation exposes Statism and promotes human progress through voluntary association. Both are non-profit, public education organizations with operations at: 1931 15th St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202 521 1200. The Downsizer-Dispatch normally publishes four times per week.
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