CITY Execs Decline Voluntary 15% Pay Cut

Dear Everyone;

Mayor Newsom's request for highly paid City Exec's to take a 15% pay cut has worked underwhelmingly. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Just 27 of the 416 City Execs making over $125,000 have taken voluntary 15% pay cuts. The specific ones we don't know but this is the by department report from todays Matier and Ross column.

Susan Leal just appointed to the PUC agreed to take a 15% cut in her $240,000 pay leaving her with a mere $204,000 to scrape by on.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

   Airport 6 Muni 3 Public Health 3 Public Works 2 City attorney 2 Controller 2 District attorney 1 Mayor 1 Port 1 Human Services 1 Fine Arts Museum 1 Admin. Services 1 Telecom Services 1 Child Services 1

Why not take a 15% cut when you can count on a >15% raise after the public loses interest? What we really need is a maximum inflation-adjusted wage for city employees.

-- Steve

Dear Steve;

1. What we really need is a salary and benefits cap. We do not need 417 City exec's Public Servants on the public payroll making over $125,000 each. I am certain were we to cut those execs salary in half that there would still be enough qualified applicants to fill those positions at the reduced salary rate. And the sooner the better.

2. What we really need to be talking about is CUTTING SPENDING!!!!!

As an aside the Port Of Long Beach needed to fill a 3,000 casual part-time longshoremen positions so they could take care of an enormous backlog of shipping. They got some 200,000 applicants!!!!!!

As another aside, the original Harry Bridges Longshoremens union in the 1930's was the only union to flat out forbid racial discrimination. Just take a look at the pictures of the striking longshore from the Big Strike of 1937 and you'll note lots of Blacks in those pictures. Every other union and governmental organization was practicing racial discrimination big time. In the 1930's join the Navy - become a server in the officers mess or stevedore. Join the Army become a Buffalo Soldier as a laborer.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

Steve Dekorte <steve@...> wrote:

Sounds good to me.

-- Steve