Chronicle series on homelessness

-- Steve

That was the most depressing half hour of reading and looking at photos I can
recall having ever spent. Was it just me, or was the whole thing an
advertisement for Gavin Newsom and all his initiatives? For all my misgivings
about Newsom's motives and methods, I can guarantee you that the problem would
only get worse under Gonzalez. I'm agreeing with Francoise -- as a Ragnar
Danneskjold wannabe, I'm tempted to vote for Gonzalez just to watch the City
crumble, but something tells me that when I'm casting the ballot, memory of
this article is going to force me to vote for Newsom. Stuff like this is far
worse than reading Anne Frank or looking at Holocaust photos, because these
people aren't dead yet. We can still fix it. It's not unalterable history.
But the Tom Ammianos and Chris Dalys of the world have such a vested interest
in this problem continuing, that we'll never see a solution as long as they're
in power.

I still think it's a bad idea for LPSF to endorse Newsom, but I'm thinking
that he's probably got my vote now.