Choice to Kill

Dear Michael,

What if I said I am against giving freely-choosing parents the option
to send their kids to parochial schools, because, say, I am an
atheist. I would find the restriction of choice not a good thing,
especially for a libertarian. My point is that if we libertarians are
so much in favor of choice, that would include even choices we do not
agree with personally.


Dear Marcy,

You wrote:

I would find the restriction of choice not a good thing,
especially for a libertarian. My point is that if we libertarians
so much in favor of choice,

I'm glad you raised this "choice" issue.

Libertarianism does not hold creating choices as a fundamental
principle, but rather advocates the non-initiation of aggression as
its central postulate.

A state that increases your choices does not necessarily become more
libertarian. If two companies, say Coke and Pepsi, wish to merge,
consumers would have fewer choices. However, the state should not
forbid this on libertarian grounds.

Best, Michael