[ChickensCoupe] OT

Barney Frank was possibly the person most responsible for the recent
banking collapse and bailout, and the worst dig they could get in on him
was "condom dispenser"?

Conservatives are sometimes so distracted by their Victorian morality
that they undermine their own best arguments against liberals. That was
sooo close to being a good video, but little things (using Obama's
middle name), were a dead giveaway that the people who made it were
nothing more than Rush Limbaugh "dittoheads."

I'd love to see some actual Libertarian YouTube videos of this quality.
A couple of the young new contacts we've made via Drinking Freely appear
to have video production expertise, so I'll see if they're interested.


Philip Berg wrote:


I fear you're being generous when you blame it on getting "distracted
by their Victorian morality."

My sense is they lack a deep, principled understanding and
appreciation of liberty. Raising tangential issues is the best they
can do when they wish to criticize the opposing team.

Warm regards, Michael