Chesa Boudin inauguration event (Weds. Jan. 8)/ Banner proposal


  I presume we would be willing to back a non-libertarian who was a strong fiscal conservative for a position like controller. Unless we want to look more like conservatives/Republicans than we already do to many, I think it would be a foolish double standard to withhold support from a non-libertarian seeking a position like district attorney who is a strong civil liberties advocate.

  There are some libertarians who decry all involvement in electoral politics as getting our hands dirty, but I don't think that's the best way to maximize freedom. I see the goal of harm reduction in the face of sub-optimal choices as a legitimate one that brings us closer to freedom. Given the closeness of the race, it's possible our support even made the difference in electing Boudin, and if so, I consider it may be one of the most important things I've done in my career as an activist. Of course there's a chance as with any politician that he will bitterly disappoint me, but right now I am optimistic. We'll see what he does in office. But just the fact of a public defender being elected D.A. was as I see it an important referendum on the city's approach to law enforcement and a victory (for a change) for the pro-freedom side of that debate.

  Our local party does seem to be in a bit of a rut right now. Hopefully we will turn that around this year. Presidential election years tend to be times when people are paying more attention and previously uninvolved people get involved in activism.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


  I think you may be right that technically (under the California LP's bylaws) our encouraging people to vote for Chesa Boudin should have been expressed as a recommendation, not an endorsement. I mentioned the policy on endorsing non-Libertarians at the meeting, but as I recall Nick said we could endorse in this case because it was a non-partisan race, and I did not press the point.

  The state of the local party isn't super encouraging, but it is what it is and I hope we'll make the best of it because it's not like giving up on it is likely to give rise to some better vehicle for representing and advancing the cause of freedom here.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))