Cheney Indicted

For what it's worth: the government of Nigeria, as part of a new government's effort to combat rampant corruption there, came to the rather unsurprising discovery that halliburton officials were deeply involved in their former government's schemes.

  The Nigerian Attorney-general, to his credit, issued an Interpol arrest warrant for unindicted war criminal and ex-US VP, Dick Cheney and several of his fellow-gangsters at Halliburton.

  Any bets on who Interpol will find first; Julian Assange or Dick Cheney? Interpol, of course, is one of the most useless bureaucracies on the planet; totally subservient to the US government and its Wall Street puppet-masters.

  The recent revelations that Wikileaks intends to release some documents against Bank of America soon is going to be a MUCH higher Interpol priority than anything happening in Nigeria. To the Wall Street mafiosos, politicians are expendable, but anything seriously threatening the 'Franchise' has to be mopped up speedily.

Cheney indicted? That's wonderful! I wonder what specifically Halliburton was doing in Nigeria. Got a link?

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Hi Starchild:

  Check out They ran an article on it on December 7th,

Thanks Eric, but without a direct link I probably won't take the trouble to try to find the piece on the Bloomberg site. I always encourage people to include links at the time they post about a story, if possible.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))