Cheeseburger Bill To Pass In House


I suggest you think in terms of abolishing govt programs, not creating
new ones. Libertarians want smaller govt, not bigger govt.

The definition of naivet� involves thinking the next govt program will
work (including a program to prohibit lawyers from filing ridiculous
law suits).

Best, Michael

Dear Dr. Mike;

I would love to abolish all of the way to numerous government programs along with the Federal Government and State Governments. If you want minimalizism I am 100% for no government. Not necessarily total Anarkos - no rulers - but as close as possible to that would be real nice.

However, the hard harsh political reality is there is only one Libertarian in the US Government. US Rep Ron Paul. And even he can't run as a Libertarian and get elected.

In the State governments I do not believe there are any elected Libertarians as Assemblyman or State Senators or Governors. Until these positions become overwhelmingly filled by Libertarians the government think of More instead of Less will prevail.

The Government Thought Think of how we can take money from one group without their say so and give to another because we know better will prevail. For some real interesting commentary on this type of Government stupidity read some Lysander Spooner.

When you have one Libertarian against 364 non-Libertarians in the House and 100 Senators in the Senate trying to get any governemnt programs abolished becomes a pipe dream. And stopping Cheesburger Laws becomes a futility.

Yes in the ideal Libertarian Utopia it would be as Thomas Jefferson so aptly put it; " That Government which governs best governs least. " And in my mind the emphasis would be on the leaster is the bester.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

"Dr. Michael R. Edelstein" <dredelstein@...> wrote:

I suggest you think in terms of abolishing govt programs, not creating
new ones. Libertarians want smaller govt, not bigger govt.

The definition of naivet� involves thinking the next govt program will
work (including a program to prohibit lawyers from filing ridiculous
law suits).

Best, Michael