Chat (Wed, 3/3)

If this is going to be a chat topic,
it should be held Monday, not
Wednesday, because the election is Tuesday.

<<< Starchild >>>


The fact that the Chat is after the election means
more people will have thought thru their choices,
making for a more informed, intelligent, spirited
discussion on Wednesday.

Aside from this benefit of Wednesday, I'm working
on both Monday and Tuesday evenings so logistically
it would be impossible for me to hold it then.

However, since it's your idea, I suggest you hold a
pre-election Chat. I have no objection, and it will
not interfere with the 3/3 Chat. I hope to see you
at the International Noodle House on Wednesday.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Best, Michael


EVENT: LPSF Political Chat
DATE: Wednesday 3 March 2004
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: International Noodle House
               690 Van Ness Ave. (corner Turk)
               San Francisco 94102
TOPIC: Are Judge Jim Gray's "Four Issues"
             (see below) Conservative, Green, or
             Libertarian? Can we support them?
             Do they go far enough to accurately
             reflect libertarian thinking?
Excerpt from:
      Jim Gray's Four Issues

        1.. Establish "sunset" laws that will require an affirmative
vote in Congress every seven years before any federal agencies or
programs can be refunded. That way the burden will be upon the
government agencies and programs to justify their continued


If they are productive in their present form, they will be
perpetuated; if not, they will be changed, cut back or disbanded.

        2.. Repeal the failed and hopeless War on Drugs by


the role of the federal government to assisting each state to


its chosen laws. Crime was reduced by more than 20 percent within


year after we pursued this course with the repeal of Alcohol
Prohibition, and the same results will be realized when we finally
repeal Drug Prohibition. People must be held accountable for their
actions, instead of for what they put into their bodies. The War on
Drugs has directly created an enormously large and lucrative black
market that has corrupted institutions, people in all walks of life,
and, most especially, children, here and all around the world. In
addition, it has enabled the sale of illicit drugs to provide huge
amounts of funding for terrorists. Our policy should be changed for
specified drugs like marijuana to be strictly regulated for
distribution to adults -- and taxed -- and users of other drugs


be allowed legal access to them under the strict supervision of
medical professionals. Medical programs of this kind are


reducing crime, drug usage and health problems today in countries


Switzerland and Germany, and we can emulate their success.

        3.. Return our educational and healthcare systems to the
control of more local governments. These systems were working
effectively until the middle 1960s. Then the federal government


to take control, with disastrous results. We must get the federal
government out of our educational and healthcare systems, and must
also allow prescription drugs to be available inside the United


at the lowest price that they are available anywhere in the world.
Government over-regulation of these systems, as well as our


and our daily lives in general, directly reduces productivity and
competition, which in turn puts an enormous and unnecessary strain
upon our small businesses, inflates prices, and takes away jobs.

        4.. Establish a fair and effective national immigration
program by requiring the federal government to pay for all of the
costs of illegal immigration. Legal immigration has helped make our
country strong; but many good people are being punished by the


system. Requiring the federal government to pay for the costs of
failure would give it the proper incentives to implement a fair and
workable policy, and would also allow our country to reclaim its
�2003 Jim Gray for Senator, Inc. F.E.C.

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Dear Chatters,

Kelly has suggested an interesting topic for the Chat (see bottom of
this email) concerning property rights. We'll begin with it.

EVENT: LPSF Political Chat
DATE: Wednesday 3 March 2004
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: International Noodle House
               690 Van Ness Ave. (corner Turk)
               San Francisco 94102
TOPICS: I. What Makes A Property Rule
                Moral and Efficient?
                II. Are Judge Jim Gray's "Four Issues"
               (see below) Conservative, Green, or
               Libertarian? Can we support them?
               Do they go far enough to accurately
               reflect libertarian thinking?