Chris wrote:
anarchists and libertarians are going in the same direction.
That does not, however, make the anarchist a libertarian.
I disagree. Anarcho-libertarians and minimal govt libertarians
are both considered libertarians. But don't take my word for it.
According to
"Libertarianism is, as the name implies, the belief in liberty.
Libertarians strive for the best of all worlds - a free, peaceful,
abundant world where each individual has the maximum opportunity
to pursue his or her dreams and to realize his full potential."
According to
"While libertarians are a diverse group of people with many
philosophical starting points, they share a defining belief: that
everyone should be free to do as they choose, so long as they
don't infringe upon the equal freedom of others."
Both definitions include anarcho-libertarians. That is why I
suggested the topic for a Wednesday Chat: "Is it an equitable
policy to exclude a large LP contingent, namely the anarchist
wing, when communicating as an LP representative to the
media or public?".
Michael E.