Chat (5/26): "What Constitutes a Libertarian?"

Steve, David, Starchild, and I have all been party to brief exchanges
on this list involving what constitutes a libertarian. I will
coordinate a Chat at the International Noodle House, 690 Van Ness
Ave., at 7PM on Wednesday 26 May on this subject.

Some questions we could address:
* What is "a libertarian?"
* Who would and would not qualify?
* Is so-and-so more or less of a libertarian than such-and-such?
* Can this topic accurately be characterized as a "libertarian
* Is this topic meaningful/constructive/useful?
* Is it meaningless/destructive/divisive?

Steve has made a commitment to attend. David, Starchild, can you make

Best, Michael

Michael - Thanks for offering to host the chat. I'll
definitely be there.

And as a card carrying LP member and candidate I'll go
ahead and offer up to be the final word on who is, or
isn't a bonafide libertarian. Just to help out of
course. Otherwise we would be there all night :slight_smile:

--- "Dr. Michael R. Edelstein"
<dredelstein@...> wrote: