Dear Everyone;
Cruz Bustamante, the Governor wannabe, is backing a proposal by
State Senator Joe Dunn to have price controls on gasoline. Here's
another example of politicians pimping, pandering and prostituting
to curry favor with the voters.
Apparently, they are both ignorant of the following two sentences:
Prices rise when the demand exceeds the supply at the offering price.
Prices fall when the supply exceeds the demand at the offering price.
The federal government is buying oil for the Strategic Petroleum
Reserve, a gas pipeline busts in Phoenix, an East Coast blackout
temporarily shutdown refineries, California environmental laws makes
it impossible to open new refineries.
Then there's a price spike? I'm shocked! I'm shocked! There's
gambling going on in the backroom!
Another reason to vote Libertarian, because as Thomas Jefferson
said; " That government which governs best, governs least."
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian