Recommend action: Immediately remove Bruce Cohen as Chairperson of the
CALP Communications Committee as his demonstrated negligence,
unprofessional conduct and lack of communication skills clearly harm
and damage the CALP and its members.
In my honest opinion, Bruce Cohen continues to demonstrate his
remarkable negligence and is acutely un-qualified to administer the
responsibilities required to produce a periodical publication or to
effectively communicate electronically as he has been tasked to do as
Chairperson of the CALP Communications Committee.
Here in Orange County, we used to have a regular newsletter that went
out on time and under budget. Bruce Cohen was instrumental in
influencing the change from a simple one color black and white
newsletter to an expensive and labor-intensive multi page, 4-color
format. Bruce called the new publication a "magazine" and assured
everyone he would be able to self-fund the new expensive magazine with
advertising. He said the new magazine would attract advertisers that
the old newsletter could not. He was wrong (as usual). He did not
fulfill his promise. The new magazine is now published infrequently
and is over budget. In my opinion Bruce's involvement changing our
low cost newsletter to an overly expensive "magazine" has been a train
wreck. The editor of our newsletter was a published author. After
Bruce became involved with the new "magazine" our editor resigned. He
was disgusted with Bruce's demeaning behavior wanted no more of him.
(This seems to be a recurring theme with individuals who come in
contact with Mr. Cohen here in Orange County) As a result, the long
time member and previous editor of our newsletter is no longer
involved with the LP, directly caused by the actions of Bruce Cohen.
Today, Bruce Cohen is the CALP Chairperson of the Member
Communications Committee. He is responsible for overseeing the
production of the party newspaper and any e-mail communications.
Since becoming Chairperson, the editor of the California Freedom
newspaper, the editor of CF has resigned. The monthly CF periodical
publication is no longer produced monthly.
The CALP has agreed to provide each dues paying member a monthly
California Freedom. This entitlement has not been fulfilled. This
constitutes fraud against all members of the CALP by the CALP. As the
Communications Committee Chairperson, Bruce Cohen is directly
responsible for this negligence and must now be held accountable for
this dereliction of duty, which has brought disrepute to the CALP
Since members are no longer being informed and have incurred damages
by the fraudulent activities of the CALP caused by the apparent
negligence of Bruce Cohen, are we to assume the CALP is now dark?
Additionally, in an attempt to place a display ad with the California
Freedom, Bruce Cohen has failed to effectively communicate in a
positive, professional, manner to my serious inquiry to spend money
with the publication. The following email exchange sent to
editor@... and was replied to by Bruce Cohen,
clearly demonstrates he is ill qualified as Chairperson of the
Communications Committee.
Original email sent to on 7/6/06
Norm Westwell <normw@...> wrote:
Our committee is interested in advertising in the California Freedom
Please send me a complete media kit for evaluation and kindly answer
these questions:
Why has the publication stopped being produced?
When is the next issue going to be produced and distributed?
Thank you.
Norm Westwell
17171 Englewood Cr.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Norm Firecracker Westwell - Huntington Beach, CA
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