Breaking Newstory: Bush and Cheney Authorized Leak Which Outed Plame

Dear Everyone;
  This is some sad news if it is true.
  Apparently both Bush and Cheney authorized the leak on the Wilson case which outed his wife Plame a CIA covert agent.
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian


  Sad? You mean that they would act in such a manner? That doesn't really surprise me. Something like this could bring down the administration, and I don't feel sad about that.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>

Dear Everyone;

This is some sad news if it is true.

Apparently both Bush and Cheney authorized the leak on the Wilson case which outed his wife Plame a CIA covert agent.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian



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Dear Starchild;
  I should have explained that my sad thing was how sad it was that peoples elected to the position of POTUS such a sad sack who very sadly has so little personal integrity he would do anything to someone who had told the truth about the phony dummied up orders for yellowcake for Iraq even if it meant outing a CIA undercover agent
   ... this of course sadly leaves the fact that wherever Valerie Plame went those respective governments would roll up any networks she may have created by doing the usual thing - torturing then executing those people.
  Sad to say....the unintended consequences were very sad sad sad to behold...
  Thank You Sadly Bush and thank you sadly Cheney.......
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian.

Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:

Sad? You mean that they would act in such a manner? That doesn't
really surprise me. Something like this could bring down the
administration, and I don't feel sad about that.

Yours in liberty,
<<< starchild >>>

"...if there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is.
And if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of...
I want to know the truth..." - GWB

-- Steve