Borrowing 31 cents (43 cents?) out of every dollar spent!

Hi Starchild,

Wow! I would hate to have to put 42% of my household purchases on my credit card, and pay the minimum due each month. After a while, I would be considering cutting down on some spending!

Thanks for the information on the SF debate. I will place that also on the LPSF Bay Area Events.


Cool, Marcy. Here's the Meetup site for SF Debate -- . From what I've seen the group on the whole tends to lean moderately to the left, but includes a good mix of thoughtful opinions. I sometimes see Jeremy Linden there, who used to be an LPSF regular.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))

Done and posted; thanks for the link. Of course I remember Jeremy -- LPSF Vice Chair and very active when he was with us. I will never forget collecting signatures for Phil's campaign, Jeremy zooming up San Francisco hills in his top-down sports car, with Rob his usual in-control self, and me a nervous wreck in the back seat. When you see him again, say hello for LPSF.
