BOE Candidate Questionnaire for SF Parent PAC

Hi Michelle,

  Congratulations to you as well on the formation of your new group, and thank you for your interest in hearing my views as a candidate for School Board on issues of concern to your members. I think you will find my approach to be parent-friendly.

  I do have one question, namely what are SF Parent PAC's criteria for endorsement? What I was wondering specifically is how much your evaluations are based on merit (the extent to which you agree with candidates' stances, your opinion of their integrity, etc.), and how much they are based on political considerations (how likely you think a candidate is to win, who else is supporting them, etc.). Your response will be most helpful/meaningful to me if you can assign an approximate percentage weight to each general category (e.g. "Evaluations are 75% merit-based, 25% political-based").

  The reason I ask is that I suspect I have very little chance of getting your nod if you make your decisions mostly based on politics, and it would be nice to know where I stand! Either way though, I'm still willing to respond to your questions, and would welcome the chance to discuss with members of SF Parent PAC what we can do to improve San Francisco schools and the education they deliver, as well as the city-wide environment.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))
      Candidate for School Board