Dear Starchild;
from the article: "If you want to solve the homeless problem, take them in," he
says. "If they stink, give them a shower." It's hard to see how a sit/lie
ordinance would do much to address the issue of kids living on our streets."
the sit/lie is not written to address the issue of kids living on the street. If
the kids are under age 18 there are programs for them. Let the under 18 kids go
to those programs.
The sit/lie does require the offer of assistance to help those who do need help
from all the City taxpayer funded services for the homeless and the sick.
If they are over age 18 and are homeless then we are talking a problem in being
able to earn a living with a job so they have an income to not be homeless. What
could be done to show them how to get and keep a job of some kind or type. Like
the woman mentioned in the article who has a degree in journalism but couldn't
"find " a job and started riding the rails.
The article shows who the sit/lie people are but it does not address the issue
of why they are sit/lie homeless. It does not address the issue of what could be
done other than giving the homeless shelter and a shower.
this is the web site of Civil Sidewalks From there web site
Make no mistake, this is not about homelessness. Our supporters are the very
people who help the homeless everyday. Our supporters are members of the ACLU,
this is the Face Book site!/Civil.Sidewalks?v=wall&ref=ts
Once again it is not about the homelessness or kids under age 18 running
The Tenderloin Neighborhood Association also supports sit/lie and itf there was
a neighborhood that faces some of the same sit/lie problems as the Haight this
is one.
this is the proposed ordinance read it and see it is not about homelessness or
under age kids on the run or whatever
Ron Getty