Sally, FYI, I will be attending the counter protest.
It is sad when the country is being taken to hell by the establishment, and commmon folks attention is deverted to the poor Mexicans just trying to make a buck or escape the kleptocrats and socialists south of the border. I was not aware that Zelakovski was a native american surname.
Interesting response from you to Sally's announcement of the Minutemen rally; which again brings to my mind what I have always perceived as Libertarian failure to build following because of our insularity. Sally has on many occasions acknowledged that her family is one of immigrants, and I have not seen any comments from her against immigration. The way I saw it, her sending out the Minutemen announcement, with the clear indication that she is not attending the rally, reveals how Sally has managed to build a good following for BAP. Expecting purity, as we Libertarians do, means to me we will remain irrelevant and non-influential.
My personal response to the announcement was going to the BAP poll on immigration and "voting".
Marcy, I forwarded your response to Sally, but If indularity means not abiding the minute men, i am all for it.
Good. I am sure Sally will agree with my comments; and I hope those comments will mitigate any perception on her part that LPSF might be accusing her of racism.