Ballot propositions (Re: [lpsf-discuss])

Am I right in my assumption that the four City and County
Propositions on the June 6th, 2006 Consolidated Primary election
ballot, propositions A, B, C, and D will be discussed at the
Saturday, May 13th, 2006 meeting of the LPSF? Presumably after
the meeting LPSF recommendations will be published on the LPSF

Yes, that's right. We're due (actually I think overdue) to
consider our recommendations for the June ballot, so we'll
definitely do that at our May 13 meeting. Hopefully we can get
them up on the website the same weekend.

Has the LPCa made recommendations regarding Propositions 81 and
82? I see they've still got the recommendations for last
November's propositions posted, but I don't see anything
regarding next months propositions.

Yes, the LPC has recommended opposing both 81 and 82.
