ballot initiatives


  Yeah, we should. What this really means is moving our ballot recommendation process forward. We usually take positions on things too late in the cycle to get much effectiveness out of our endorsements other than informing LPSF members.

  I'm also concerned about hearing from candidates and proponents/opponents of ballot measures. This often seems to fall through the cracks. I think it's important enough to make it a group priority and devote a collective effort to making sure it happens. In the past we have typically just kind of said "anyone who wants to invite anyone can."

  Here are some of the specific tasks involved:

-Picking a date or dates to hear people prior to our
-Writing an invitation letter
-Determining who to send it to
-Printing and mailing the letters (or using email)
-Fielding candidate responses
-Scheduling people
-Researching intelligent questions to ask our guests
-Showing up to the candidates/ballot measures event to hear them
-Asking the questions

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

Hi Starchild,

First, thank you for your efforts in the LPCA Judicial Committee; I
wish you and others of like mind would have prevailed on the matter
of the cruise.

Now, regarding inviting candidates and ballot proponents/opponents
prior to, or on October 8: I agree with you that the LPSF has not
placed much effort in this process in the past, and it looks to me
that the trend has not changed.

Personally, I am not willing to take on the task of attempting to
change that trend, but I will be supportive of effort undertaken by
any of our activists.

By contrast, I am more than willing to help in whatever way I can to
publicize our recommendations in our newsletter, our website, on the
media, distributing flyers, and performing any other task that will
put our name and our good ideas before the public.


--- In, Starchild <sfdreamer@e...>
> Morey,
> Yeah, we should. What this really means is moving our ballot
> recommendation process forward. We usually take positions on things
> late in the cycle to get much effectiveness out of our endorsements
> other than informing LPSF members.
> I'm also concerned about hearing from candidates and
> proponents/opponents of ballot measures. This often seems to fall
> through the cracks. I think it's important enough to make it a
> priority and devote a collective effort to making sure it happens.
> the past we have typically just kind of said "anyone who wants to
> invite anyone can."
> Here are some of the specific tasks involved:
> -Picking a date or dates to hear people prior to our
> -Writing an invitation letter
> -Determining who to send it to
> -Printing and mailing the letters (or using email)
> -Fielding candidate responses
> -Scheduling people
> -Researching intelligent questions to ask our guests
> -Showing up to the candidates/ballot measures event to hear them
> -Asking the questions
> Yours in liberty,
> <<< Starchild >>>
> On Friday, September 23, 2005, at 11:41 PM, Morey Straus wrote:
> > Shouldn't we have a consolidated list of positions regarding the
> > November ballot featured prominently on the website? I know we
> > bits and pieces floating around, but a single page explaining out
> > position on each initiative could be useful.
> >
> > --
> > Live Free or Die
> >