This is an interesting idea. The part about electric vehicles is a
great angle, and I think you're right that we could get a lot of
leftists on board with it -- the Greens, the Bicycle Coalition, etc. On
the downside, one predictable (but potent) opposition argument would be
that the proposal would hurt MUNI by starving it of passengers and
forcing cutbacks in service. We might even be accused of trying to
privatize bus service. Another objection might be that buses would be
frequently delayed by vehicles parking in the bus zones to pick up
passengers. Also taxi companies and drivers -- well organized and
battle-hardened constituencies both -- could be expected to strongly
oppose such a measure. Any ideas on dealing with these objections?
We do have quite a few good ideas for ballot initiatives here -- the
question is choosing among them. Although you also have an interesting
point that it might not be that much harder to circulate two
initiatives than one. It would be very interesting to see who was
willing to support which, and how willing people would be to sign them,
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
Wr probably could get help from the Instiute for Justice, the reason
foundation, or the Pacific Legal Foundation in drafting the
legislation. Maybe we could even appproach the Sierra Club.--- In, "ricochetboy" <philzberg@e...>
wrote:Nancy et al...
First Nancy, let me apologize for anything I said in this forum last
fall about your campaign, I was just disappointed in your website not
taking the President to task for Iraq and not taking Pelosi to task
for her disgraceful performance on meet the press before the war,
american flag lapel pin and all.Anyway, I love your idea of curb rights. This is the Reason
foundations idea on how to open up urban markets to competition. I
would love to read the book if you have it but here is my initial
idea. Warning, it is not perfectly libertarian. But i believe that
the good should not fall victim to the perfect.This is a first draft.
The city will auction off the right to pick up and discharge
passangers at each bus stop in the city. They may allow up to x number
of companies at each stop.The companies must meet all the safety requirements, fare notification
requirements, and driver responsibility requirements of the presentcabs.
The companies can make any route they want so long as they only pick
up and discharge passengers at designated stops, or on private
property.NOW HERE IS THE HOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The companies may only use hybrid powered, bio diesel powered, or
electric powered vehicles. We may have to make this a little greener,
ie, rewuire the hybrids to be corn alcohol ewuiooed, or require the
the electricity to charge the electric vehicles be renewably sourced.We an sell this to the geens as a green initiative. Meanwhile, we
finally open up the market to something besides taxis and muni.Who knows what kind of inovations could evolve from this , spole and
hubs, direct feeds to Bart.Hook number II.
Phase in The initiative could initially be limited to underserved
areas where taxi cap response time is above average, such as Hunters
point. Of proven successful there it could be expanded to other parts
of the city. Both determinations could be made by some kind of blue
ribbon board consisting of??? volunteers.he companies would be permitted to be scheduled or unscheduled. They
would be permitted discreet signage at the stops they have rights to.
The city would be rewuired to expand congested stops.If popular, this could relieve traffic, congestion and parking
problems in the city. Not to mention a big boon to green fueled
vehicles. I am very excited about this idea. I pledge 2000 dollars and
16 hours a week.
Nancy, can I borrow the book???,
--- In, "Amarcy D. Berry"
<amarcyb@h...> wrote:Hi All,
At the LPSF meeting of Saturday 8th, Crhis Maden suggested that
discussion of proposed ballot initiatives be continued on our
Activist e-mail list. I have the following thoughts that I would
like to share, and hopefully get some feedback.1. At the meeting, Steve Dekorted raised the question as to what is
our principal goal in considering placing an initiative on the
ballot: Having the initiative indeed pass? or Having the opportunity
to be in the public eye as we collect signatures, write letters to
the editor regarding the proposal, etc? Personally, I fees that the
second reason is more important to the LPSF right now.2. If the majority of the membership agrees that having the
opportunity to be in the public eye is the principal reason for
considering an initiative, it would seem to me that we should "pick
something out of the hat" from the list already compiled, and run
with it. I propose a vote by e-mail. I personally would vote for an
initiative that would bring back the "jitneys," or other form of
alternative local transportation serving the same purpose as the
jitneys of old.3. The list already compiled consists of the following (I am
including all the initiatives on the original list, plus an
additional idea):Cap the salaries of individuals employed by the City
Require city police badge numbers prominently stenciled on the bak of
their uniforms.Decriinalize marijuana, and/or eliminate funding for police action
Require a resolution that the war on drugs is unconstitutional
Rquire that City Supervisors abide by the same rules as private
citizens when placing measures on the ballot.Require the City to issue its own driver's licences, good for driving
in the City and surrounding areas.Roll back a City tax
(New on the List): Declaration of Policy stating that no initiative
proposed by the Board of Supervisors or by private citizens can
violate any articles on the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights (i.e.,
banning ownership of firearms, for example!)4. It is my opinion that given the deadlines fast approaching to
submit an initiative for the November 2005 ballot, and given the
amount of research and writing involved, the LPSF should either vote
on an initiative and start the process within the next week or so, or
remove this item from the active agenda. Perhaps there could be a
vote to postpone submission on another public election date.Marcy
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