
from Rodger Weiggand at

One should be aware, certainly not a broadcasted fact, that the special inspector general for TARP funds Neil Barofsky working on behalf of the USCongress has already recommended 40 criminal investigations for fraud from the total over $1000 billion in its funds disbursement during his ongoing audit. The primary focus is AIG payouts, for which Goldman Sachs has steered some very suspicious redemptions at 100% parity. Wall Street would call the program a success. Administrators would call it a great thrust of desperately needed liquidity into banks. The public should know that the program is run by the same Wall Street firms that produced the original bank crisis. The absence of broad disclosure remains the cloak to conceal the massive abuse of public funds.

Hmm, I wonder what phone sex operators would call it. 8)

      ((( starchild )))

On May 4, 2009, at 11:31 PM, Philip Berg wrote (in part):