Thanks for your feedback. I realize that it's sometimes difficult to attend this stuff without much advance notice, and I appreciate your potential willingness to take off work. In the case below, I found out about it myself the same evening that I forwarded the info, but no doubt others knew farther in advance and could have told us if we had better lines of communication with them. I can't think of any real way to approach this other than for lots of us to try to go to cannabis-related events and keep asking the people who are the single-issue activists most on top of this stuff to keep LP organizations posted. I don't have Tom Juzbasic's contact info; do you?
I would certainly have attempted to attend this event, and promoted it
on other lists, had I known about it earlier. Less than 24 hour notice
for an event taking place during normal working hours requires some
advance planning on my part. If we could coordinate publicity with ASA,
the Marijuana Party, and the other groups listed to
have their activities on our calendars, we will forge a tighter and more
effective coalition with them.
Moreover, we need to include Lynette Shaw, our candidate for Lt.
Governor, in more local activities like this, as she is herself the only
authorized medical marijuana provider in Marin County, and this is her
target issue of the campaign.
The EBLP is already planning another fundraising event for local
candidates at the Westover Winery in Castro Valley in March or April.
Art Olivier, the LP candidate for governor would like to come as well,
but we will need to arrange lots of media events and host other
activities to justify bringing him up here. Other county LP
organizations can do a lot to make this successful by helping to arrange
media interviews and press releases to attract lots of public attention
to our activities.
And of course, we should include Tom Juzbasic and all the groups
affiliated with his support network in our efforts.
Terry Floyd
From: []
On Behalf Of Starchild
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:06 PM
To: LPSF Discussion List
Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Fwd: [asa-sf] Tom the Nurse's Medical Marijuana
Trial - 9 AM, Rally @Noon TOMORROW (Thurs.)
I notice that Clark has not included the LP in the list of
organizations for this event. I can ask him again to include us on
future press releases as I successfully did in the case of Steve Kubby,
but I'd like to know that Libertarians will actually be going to the
events or that the LPSF is contributing in some other fashion so it
looks like we're doing more than just posturing.
What do you all think? Should the LPSF be listed on press
standing up for medical marijuana rights? What are we going to do to
justify inclusion? Clark (Axis of Love) has been instrumental in
organizing a lot of stuff; he also typically gives good write-ups on The Marijuana Party is providing office space which
is often used for meetings and staging ground, and Americans for Safe
Access typically provides most of the bodies.
Feedback requested\.
Yours in liberty,
<<< starchild >>>
> From: Clark Sullivan <freemansullivan@...>
> Date: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:45:36 PM US/Pacific
> To: asa-sf@...
> Subject: [asa-sf] Tom the Nurse's Trial @ 9 AM, Rally @ Noon
> Please distribute far and wide!
> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Clark Sullivan 415 424 0125 freemansullivan@...
> Who: Axis of Love S.F.,, California Marijuana Party,
> Americans for Safe Access S.F.
> What: Tom [the Nurse] Juzbasic’s Trial and Rally
> When: Thursday, February 23, 2006 12 Noon
> Where: 400 McAllister St. [@ Polk St., San Francisco, CA; Department
> 514, Judge Thomas J. Mellon Jr.
> Why: Medical cannabis caregiver, Tom Juzbasic, Licensed Vocational
> Nurse & Navy veteran was arrested by SFPD undercover officer John
> Keane #948, who impersonated a patient using a fake medical cannabis
> patient id card on June 11, 2002 for sales and possession of >
> Since that time, Tom has made over sixty court appearances in what may
> the longest marijuana case in San Francisco legal history.
> Earlier charges of possession of marijuana for sale were thrown out of
> court by Judge Charles Haines last year.
> Upset at his [and patients in general] shoddy treatment by the SFPD
> and District Attorney Kamala Harris' office, Tom the Nurse (as many
> call him) has steadfastly refused to plea bargain, demanding that his
> case be taken to a jury trial. His arrest has convinced him that the
> cops regularly and blatantly disregard San Francisco's tradition of
> tolerance for medical cannabis, ignoring the wishes of 80% of the
> City's voters.
> Tom is a regular caregiver for the needs of hundreds of patients in
> the Bay Area and needs you help to stay out of jail, as well as lose
> his nurse's license.
> We invite you to support Tom in ongoing legal struggles with San
> Francisco authorities and attend his trial beginning Thursday,
> February 23, 2006 @ 9 AM. We are also holding a rally later @ 12 Noon.