You wrote:
"It's getting an opportunity to appear before various community groups and present not only the Police Petition but the why's and where's of it from a LIbertarian position and what's Libertarianism and how we arrived at the Petition. To where do we find the police to do this by removing them from victimless crimes and other non-essential duties."
Clever strategy.
Approximately how many signatures do you estimate we'd need to be afforded these opportunities for appearances and presenting libertarianism?
Best, Michael
Dear Dr. Mike;
You wrote in part: Clever strategy. Approximately how many signatures do you estimate we'd need to be afforded these opportunities for appearances and presenting libertarianism?
A clarification on what you are asking - I'm sort of lost at what your question is.
The presentations before community groups would be to garner support and signatures for the Police Petition AND at the same time present why we as Libertarians would espose such a course based on on core beliefs and what the core beliefs are and what they mean to the people we are speaking before. The old sales tactic of : What's In It For The Customer - and why they should buy - what's it mean to me and so on.
As far as signatures gathered in quantities large enough I would love to have 100,000 or even 250,000. I do have some ideas on how to do wide spread signature petition gathering some are zero expense based some are expensive.
But this is not practical until we have an indication of actual co-sponsor support and who or whom is willing to co-sponsor and willingness to gather petition signatures and so on. This of necessity would have to include the Democratic Party - Republican Party and Greens. Major community groups would have to be on board and even if possible the Chamber of Commerce and other community chamber groups. Small business groups and all those lovely small pop up like mushroom neighborhood community groups. Signatures at Green Cross Medical Marijuana Centers and so on.
Minimally to have any impact I would have to have at least 25,000 - 50,000 signatures. This would be enough to raise an eye brow or two at City Hall and with the SFPD.
Anything less is not worth the effort.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
dredelstein@... wrote:
You wrote:
"It's getting an opportunity to appear before various community groups and present not only the Police Petition but the why's and where's of it from a LIbertarian position and what's Libertarianism and how we arrived at the Petition. To where do we find the police to do this by removing them from victimless crimes and other non-essential duties."
Clever strategy.
Approximately how many signatures do you estimate we'd need to be afforded these opportunities for appearances and presenting libertarianism?
Best, Michael