Article: KGB Chieftain Finds


I understand your feelings against hate-Bush and ridicule-Bush emails.

However, IMHO hate-the-state pieces and ridicule-the-state writing is necessary and healthy to remind us we are dealing with a vicious institution, a parasitic leviathan consisting of predatory murderers, hell-bent on depriving us of our freedom, ultimately enslaving us and worse.

Consider Hayek's title "The Road to Serfdom" and Nock's "Our Enemy, the State."

Murray Rothbard makes the case in "Do You Hate the State?", that which divides libertarians is not anarchy vs. minarchy, but rather a passionate hatred of the state and statism vs. a placid displeasure with it.

Rothbard observes:
"...think of our classical liberal forbears who were genuinely
radical, who hated statism and the States of their day with
a beautifully integrated passion: the Levellers, Patrick Henry,
Tom Paine, Joseph Priestley, the Jacksonians, Richard
Cobden, and on and on, a veritable roll call of the greats of
the past. Tom Paine's radical hatred of the State and statism
was and is far more important to the cause of liberty than the
fact that he never crossed the divide between laissez-faire
and anarchism."

Best, Michael

Dear Dr. Mike;
  Kudos! Bravo! Encore! Take A Bow!
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian
dredelstein@... wrote:
  I understand your feelings against hate-Bush and ridicule-Bush emails.
  However, IMHO hate-the-state pieces and ridicule-the-state writing is necessary and healthy to remind us we are dealing with a vicious institution, a parasitic leviathan consisting of predatory murderers, hell-bent on depriving us of our freedom, ultimately enslaving us and worse.
  Consider Hayek's title "The Road to Serfdom" and Nock's "Our Enemy, the State."
  Murray Rothbard makes the case in "Do You Hate the State?", that which divides libertarians is not anarchy vs. minarchy, but rather a passionate hatred of the state and statism vs. a placid displeasure with it.
  Rothbard observes:
  "...think of our classical liberal forbears who were genuinely
  radical, who hated statism and the States of their day with
  a beautifully integrated passion: the Levellers, Patrick Henry,
  Tom Paine, Joseph Priestley, the Jacksonians, Richard
  Cobden, and on and on, a veritable roll call of the greats of
  the past. Tom Paine's radical hatred of the State and statism
  was and is far more important to the cause of liberty than the
  fact that he never crossed the divide between laissez-faire
  and anarchism."

Best, Michael

I think Bob may have been objecting not to hatred of government per se, but rather what he may have been sensitized by living in the Bay Area to perceive as a partisan attack on the Bush administration.

  Bob, if I am right, lay your fears to rest. I think Ron, along with almost everyone on this list, is an equal-opportunity disser of left and right. If Kerry were occupying the Oval Office, he would probably be written about no more favorably here.

  Not that I think it's good to hate people as individuals. I don't hate Bush, or Kerry, but what they stand for. As Michael Edelstein suggests, the real target is the state. Since we are passionately for freedom, we must be passionately against its opposite.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>


I understand your feelings against hate-Bush and ridicule-Bush emails.

However, IMHO hate-the-state pieces and ridicule-the-state writing is necessary and healthy to remind us we are dealing with a vicious institution, a parasitic leviathan consisting of predatory murderers, hell-bent on depriving us of our freedom, ultimately enslaving us and worse.

Consider Hayek's title "The Road to Serfdom" and Nock's "Our Enemy, the State."

Murray Rothbard makes the case in "Do You Hate the State?", that which divides libertarians is not anarchy vs. minarchy, but rather a passionate hatred of the state and statism vs. a placid displeasure with it.

Rothbard observes:
"...think of our classical liberal forbears who were genuinely
radical, who hated statism and the States of their day with
a beautifully integrated passion: the Levellers, Patrick Henry,
Tom Paine, Joseph Priestley, the Jacksonians, Richard
Cobden, and on and on, a veritable roll call of the greats of
the past. Tom Paine's radical hatred of the State and statism
was and is far more important to the cause of liberty than the
fact that he never crossed the divide between laissez-faire
and anarchism."

Best, Michael

From: Robert Parkhurst
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] Article: KGB Chieftain Finds Home at Homeland Security

Dear Ron,
I think you would do much better if you would just get serious. I can read hate Bush literature in the Chronicle, New York Times or any other left wing rag. If you have any serious comments put them forward or I would rather just go read the New York Times.
Bob Parkhurst

From: Ron Getty
Sent: 5/16/2006 8:00:29 PM
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] Article: KGB Chieftain Finds Home at Homeland Security

Dear Steve,

Why would that surprise anyone?

Just look at the name of the agency itself - Homeland Security. That is straight out of East Europe and Hitler's - Der Vaterland or Russia's - Rodina - Mother Russia.

This despite the fact no one I know has ever referred to Amercia as the Homeland. Or if someone is on vacation overseas - do they say gosh it sure will be great to get back to the Homeland. DO'H.

It's just another step in creating a Neo-fascist empire in Amerika with everyone having an RFID chip embedded in their arms so they can be tracked wherever they go and whatever they do.

Seig Heil Busch! Seig Heil Busch! Sie Heil Busch!

All praise our Beloved Der Fuhrer Busch!!!

Doesn't that just ring so right as the Bell of Liberty is melted down into bus tokens?

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

(DV) Whitney: KGB Chieftain Finds Home at Homeland Security

-- Steve



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Dear Bob and Starchild;
  It's not about Bush but what he and all the other Mongrels of Mordor represent and the administration mania for control at all costs to liberty and individualism and personal responsibility and not ceding personal liberties to a Government Monolith what knows better who can never know better than the individual as to what is right for them.
  The biggest fear as has been stated in Lew Rockwell columists opinions is the creeping neo-fascism taking over the US.
  Witness the proposed use of the National Guard to guard our borders or the now newly increased plans to use the regular military for natural disaster response and control.
  Then there is a new proposed law to control the use of the internet and isp's using a couple of selected corporate sponsors as controlled by the government.
  The invasive tapping of all civilian telephones making us all Al Qaeda terrorist suspects as another step towards neo-fascism.
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian

Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
  I think Bob may have been objecting not to hatred of government per
se, but rather what he may have been sensitized by living in the Bay
Area to perceive as a partisan attack on the Bush administration.

Bob, if I am right, lay your fears to rest. I think Ron, along with
almost everyone on this list, is an equal-opportunity disser of left
and right. If Kerry were occupying the Oval Office, he would probably
be written about no more favorably here.

Not that I think it's good to hate people as individuals. I don't hate
Bush, or Kerry, but what they stand for. As Michael Edelstein suggests,
the real target is the state. Since we are passionately for freedom, we
must be passionately against its opposite.

Yours in liberty,
<<< starchild >>>