Article in Today's Boston Globe on PorcFest

Although it’s not how I would have described PorcFest, it’s an honest and fair article.

The journalist made it sound a bit more chaotic than it really was. For example, vendors providing showers and Body Freedom Village sound frivolous out of context. However, the former is an example of attendees solving the problem of the festival outgrowing the campground, and the latter provided a welcoming space for nontraditional libertarians when the movement has been turning socially conservative.

I wish the article explained how we are all united by our principles. The comment section suggests that the readers of the Globe Magazine don’t understand libertarianism.


Once You give up Your addiction & STOP reading & promoting ( ie: try ignoring & BOYCOTTING such rubbish … along with the #USgovt as HD Thoreau & other trailblazers have ) & brainwashing YourSelf with the elites’ inhumane denigrating subhuman — subtlety or not — bait & switch PROPAGANDA headlines & articles, You will no longer care what some person You have never met before & will likely never meet thinks/says/writes about You & Your Joys in Life or need such vain irrelevant trite & trivial affirmations.

I worked for 20 years in the msmSnews, PROPAGANDA arm of the #USgovt/Emprire — PBS CBS Washington Post The Economist of London Politico The Hill — in the belly of the beast back when there was at least the semblance of objectivity with at least two or three alternative views on every subject or event — not just ONE ( 1 ) Establishment Opinion Narrative Decree. Do all of Your Friends have the same favorite color or only enjoy one flavor of ice cream or wear only one or two different mandated body•masks ( ie: clothing ) every single day? How can ONE ( 1 ) person write an article to represent or even appeal to the natural sensibilities of many? Old School lowbudget socialists of the ww1/ww2 & prior eras never dreamed of having such DISPOSABLE yet effective cheap tools at their fingertips & disposal which would give them such extensive 24/7 reach into the psyches of their subjects & push push their emotional & psychological buttons & play at their heart strings through extensive digital data mining as simply as plucking a jews harp/lamellophone. It’s a dying industry on life support; it is owned by m/billionaires — no longer even superficially kept afloat by interested paid Human Subscribers; the ONLY libertarian Solution is to UNPLUG it.

You don’t even need a contrived overpriced commercialized popup event ghettoized & confined to some concentration camp reservation cordoned off & away from general society — ¿ produced/funded in part or whole by the ETHANOL/Poison/alcohol cartel? — to Celebrate & EnJoy the FREEDOMS & LIBERTY that those ( ¿“savages”? ) in ¿“less civilized”? societies once took for granted.

Before the contrived fictitious virtual reality PROPAGANDA of the interwebs, there were Book Publishing Houses/CARTELS & simply print “journalists” — servile scribes of the elites — who sought to create an alternative REALITY for their dimwitted readers through subtle & brazenly bold faced gimickery.

Why don’t YOU write an extensive debrief of the highlights of the event — with some of Your UNCENSORED snapshots? I trust Your FREE opinion as more genuine credible honest & less contrived than some overpaid presstitute with dubious funding sources.

Your own succinct summary critiques demonstrate how worthless the article is. How have you not figured out that the contrived “commentariat” section of overly curated online PROPAGANDA is itself so censored & edited — if not generated by the same author or henchmen — that it is itself a part of the PROPAGANDA — without any means of validating that it was created by a distinct living flesh & blood human or a robotic team of cut & paste “bots.”

Peace Love & Naked Bold Faced UnMasked Flesh & Blood Liberty,

  • mARTy


For me, one take-away from the Boston Globe piece on PorcFest is the importance of not being disagreeable, especially toward other self-identified libertarians, when we’re already an embattled minority movement under pressure from the culture-war nastiness of the larger society. That doesn’t mean changing what we stand for, just the desirability of putting in a bit of effort to get along and not to come across as self-important/superior narcissists or a-holes. The conclusion to the Soapbox Derby event sounds particularly regrettable, and we might have gotten better coverage if stuff like that, or people calling her names, hadn’t happened.

In my experience, Jeff isn’t hard to get along with – even the Globe reporter found him nice, despite his being at the center of what was apparently the main controversy at this year’s PorcFest, over nudity. What is gained by presuming he has an “addiction” to reading and sharing stuff like the Globe story? Or that he shared it out of some need for “vain irrelevant affirmations”, rather than because sharing news coverage they get, that relates to our cause, is something libertarian activists often do, and other libertarian activists usually appreciate?

Anyway, Jeff, congrats on helping get at least fairly neutral if not perfect coverage, and making it clear libertarians aren’t conservatives (or all disagreeable narcissists). I agree it would have been nice if the reporter had mentioned the extent to which libertarians are united by principles. If I’d had a chance to talk with her, I might have tried to stress the importance of the Non-Aggression Principle, mention of which was notably missing from her story, and get her to include it.

But both this and the NBC TV series (Free State Project Documentary: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of NH – NBC Boston), which I finally got around to watching all the episodes of, are on the whole I think valuable exposure for the libertarian cause. And you play an important and positive role in both!

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


On Aug 14, 2023, at 6:03 AM, iMRMosLV! via LPSF Forum wrote:

August 14

Once You give up Your addiction & STOP reading & promoting ( ie: try ignoring & BOYCOTTING such rubbish … along with the #USgovt as HD Thoreau & other trailblazers have ) & brainwashing YourSelf with the elites’ inhumane denigrating subhuman — subtlety or not — bait & switch PROPAGANDA headlines & articles, You will no longer care what some person You have never met before & will likely never meet thinks/says/writes about You & Your Joys in Life or need such vain irrelevant affirmations.

I worked for 20 years in the msmSnews, PROPAGANDA arm of the #USgovt/Emprire — PBS CBS Washington Post The Economist of London Politico The Hill — in the belly of the beast back when there was at least the semblance of objectivity with at least two or three alternative views on every subject or event — not just ONE ( 1 ) Establishment Opinion Narrative Decree. Do all of Your Friends have the same favorite color or only enjoy one flavor of ice scream or where only one or two different outfits every single day? How can ONE ( 1 ) person write an article to represent or even appeal to the natural sensibilities of many? Old School lowbudget socialists of the ww1/ww2 & prior eras never dreamed of having such useful cheap tools at their fingertips which would give them such extensive 24/7 reach into the psyches of their subjects & push push their emotional & psychological buttons & play at their heart strings through extensive digital data mining as simply as plucking a jews harp/lamellophone.

You don’t even need a contrived overpriced commercialized popup event ghettoized & confined to some concentration camp reservation cordoned off & away from general society — ¿ produced/funded in part or whole by the ETHANOL/Poison/alcohol cartel? — to Celebrate & EnJoy the FREEDOMS & LIBERTY that those ( ¿“savages”? ) in ¿“less civilized”? societies once took for granted.

Before the contrived fictitious virtual reality PROPAGANDA of the interwebs, there were Book Publishing Houses/CARTELS & simply print “journalists” — servile scribes of the elites — who sought to create an alternative REALITY for their dimwitted readers through subtle & brazenly bold faced gimickery.

Why don’t YOU write an extensive debrief of the highlights of the event? I trust Your FREE opinion as more genuine credible honest & less contrived than some overpaid presstitute with dubious funding sources.

Peace Love & Naked Bold Faced UnMasked Liberty,

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

Previous Replies

August 14
Although it’s not how I would have described PorcFest, it’s an honest and fair article.

The journalist made it sound a bit more chaotic than it really was. For example, vendors providing showers and Body Freedom Village sound frivolous out of context. However, the former is an example of attendees solving the problem of the festival outgrowing the campground, and the latter provided a welcoming space for nontraditional libertarians when the movement has been turning socially conservative.

I wish the article explained how we are all united by our principles. The comment section suggests that the readers of the Globe Magazine don’t understand libertarianism.

These libertarians want to take over New Hampshire. But first, a…
My wild week inside the Free State Project’s PorcFest, the largest libertarian festival in the world.

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I don’t know what could possibly be more affirming than requesting Jeff’s own credible honest review of the event over some halfwit corporate tool’s version.

Why don’t YOU write an extensive debrief of the highlights of the event — with some of Your UNCENSORED snapshots? I trust Your FREE opinion as more genuine credible honest & less contrived than some overpaid presstitute with dubious funding sources.

Your own succinct summary critiques demonstrate how worthless the article is. How have you not figured out that the contrived “commentariat” section of overly curated online PROPAGANDA is itself so censored & edited — if not generated by the same author or henchmen — that it is itself a part of the PROPAGANDA — without any means of validating that it was created by a distinct living flesh & blood human or a robotic team of cut & paste “bots.”

Peace Love & Naked Bold Faced UnMasked Flesh & Blood Liberty,

  • mARTy

If I’d been at PorcFest I’d be happy to give a report, but alas I was not. Even if the Globe reporter isn’t libertarian though, I find it interesting to see how our gatherings are perceived by others, as well as important to know how we’re being presented to the world. So a story like hers can be useful for reasons other than hearing about the proceedings from a pro-freedom point of view. And while I don’t think the old adage about any publicity being good publicity is entirely true, I do think it’s mostly true.

In my experience, no one is 0% libertarian just as no one is 100% libertarian. Most people, even committed left- or right-wingers, have issues on which they haven’t formed opinions, or don’t hold strong ones, and on which they may thus be open to a more libertarian perspective. Human nature being what it is though, the chances of them listening to us will be greater if they don’t hear us calling them “halfwit corporate tools” and such, but rather treat them as persons capable of altering their views. Most of us were non-libertarians ourselves at some point in our lives. I’ll note in passing that it’s also unlikely that a newspaper reporter is making big bucks at their job. In this case we can be sure the woman from the Globe was a real human being because she interacted with people at PorcFest including Jeff. We’ll probably never know whether her coverage of either the nudity issue or the event as a whole would have been more negative had she not found him to be sympatico, but it seems within the realm of possibility.

This isn’t to say we shouldn’t call out the media for its many sins, in my opinion, just that I think it’s usually better and more effective to attack policies than people, and not to assume a reporter is necessarily hostile just because they write for a mainstream publication with a statist bias. Certainly it’s good to be on your guard when talking with them though, as anything you say or do could potentially be taken out of context or framed in an unhelpful manner.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))



On Aug 15, 2023, at 8:13 AM, iMRMosLV! via LPSF Forum wrote:

August 15
I don’t know what could possibly be more affirming than requesting Jeff’s own credible honest review of the event over some halfwit corporate tool’s version.

Why don’t YOU write an extensive debrief of the highlights of the event — with some of Your UNCENSORED snapshots? I trust Your FREE opinion as more genuine credible honest & less contrived than some overpaid presstitute with dubious funding sources.

Your own succinct summary critiques demonstrate how worthless the article is. How have you not figured out that the contrived “commentariat” section of overly curated online PROPAGANDA is itself so censored & edited — if not generated by the same author or henchmen — that it is itself a part of the PROPAGANDA — without any means of validating that it was created by a distinct living flesh & blood human or a robotic team of cut & paste “bots.”

Peace Love & Naked Bold Faced UnMasked Flesh & Blood Liberty,

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

Previous Replies

August 15

For me, one take-away from the Boston Globe piece on PorcFest is the importance of not being disagreeable, especially toward other self-identified libertarians, when we’re already an embattled minority movement under pressure from the culture-war nastiness of the larger society. That doesn’t mean changing what we stand for, just the desirability of putting in a bit of effort to get along and not to come across as self-important/superior narcissists or a-holes. The conclusion to the Soapbox Derby event sounds particularly regrettable, and we might have gotten better coverage if stuff like that, or people calling her names, hadn’t happened.

In my experience, Jeff isn’t hard to get along with – even the Globe reporter found him nice, despite his being at the center of what was apparently the main controversy at this year’s PorcFest, over nudity. What is gained by presuming he has an “addiction” to reading and sharing stuff like the Globe story? Or that he shared it out of some need for “vain irrelevant affirmations”, rather than because sharing news coverage they get, that relates to our cause, is something libertarian activists often do, and other libertarian activists usually appreciate?

Anyway, Jeff, congrats on helping get at least fairly neutral if not perfect coverage, and making it clear libertarians aren’t conservatives (or all disagreeable narcissists). I agree it would have been nice if the reporter had mentioned the extent to which libertarians are united by principles. If I’d had a chance to talk with her, I might have tried to stress the importance of the Non-Aggression Principle, mention of which was notably missing from her story, and get her to include it.

But both this and the NBC TV series (Free State Project Documentary: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of NH – NBC Boston, which I finally got around to watching all the episodes of, are on the whole I think valuable exposure for the libertarian cause. And you play an important and positive role in both!

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

··· (click for more details)
August 14

Once You give up Your addiction & STOP reading & promoting ( ie: try ignoring & BOYCOTTING such rubbish … along with the #USgovt as HD Thoreau & other trailblazers have ) & brainwashing YourSelf with the elites’ inhumane denigrating subhuman — subtlety or not — bait & switch PROPAGANDA headlines & articles, You will no longer care what some person You have never met before & will likely never meet thinks/says/writes about You & Your Joys in Life or need such vain irrelevant trite & trivial affirmations.

I worked for 20 years in the msmSnews, PROPAGANDA arm of the #USgovt/Emprire — PBS CBS Washington Post The Economist of London Politico The Hill — in the belly of the beast back when there was at least the semblance of objectivity with at least two or three alternative views on every subject or event — not just ONE ( 1 ) Establishment Opinion Narrative Decree. Do all of Your Friends have the same favorite color or only enjoy one flavor of ice cream or wear only one or two different mandated body•masks ( ie: clothing ) every single day? How can ONE ( 1 ) person write an article to represent or even appeal to the natural sensibilities of many? Old School lowbudget socialists of the ww1/ww2 & prior eras never dreamed of having such DISPOSABLE yet effective cheap tools at their fingertips & disposal which would give them such extensive 24/7 reach into the psyches of their subjects & push push their emotional & psychological buttons & play at their heart strings through extensive digital data mining as simply as plucking a jews harp/lamellophone. It’s a dying industry on life support; it is owned by m/billionaires — no longer even superficially kept afloat by interested paid Human Subscribers; the ONLY libertarian Solution is to UNPLUG it.

You don’t even need a contrived overpriced commercialized popup event ghettoized & confined to some concentration camp reservation cordoned off & away from general society — ¿ produced/funded in part or whole by the ETHANOL/Poison/alcohol cartel? — to Celebrate & EnJoy the FREEDOMS & LIBERTY that those ( ¿“savages”? ) in ¿“less civilized”? societies once took for granted.

Before the contrived fictitious virtual reality PROPAGANDA of the interwebs, there were Book Publishing Houses/CARTELS & simply print “journalists” — servile scribes of the elites — who sought to create an alternative REALITY for their dimwitted readers through subtle & brazenly bold faced gimickery.

Why don’t YOU write an extensive debrief of the highlights of the event — with some of Your UNCENSORED snapshots? I trust Your FREE opinion as more genuine credible honest & less contrived than some overpaid presstitute with dubious funding sources.

Your own succinct summary critiques demonstrate how worthless the article is. How have you not figured out that the contrived “commentariat” section of overly curated online PROPAGANDA is itself so censored & edited — if not generated by the same author or henchmen — that it is itself a part of the PROPAGANDA — without any means of validating that it was created by a distinct living flesh & blood human or a robotic team of cut & paste “bots.”

Peace Love & Naked Bold Faced UnMasked Flesh & Blood Liberty,

August 14
Although it’s not how I would have described PorcFest, it’s an honest and fair article.

The journalist made it sound a bit more chaotic than it really was. For example, vendors providing showers and Body Freedom Village sound frivolous out of context. However, the former is an example of attendees solving the problem of the festival outgrowing the campground, and the latter provided a welcoming space for nontraditional libertarians when the movement has been turning socially conservative.

I wish the article explained how we are all united by our principles. The comment section suggests that the readers of the Globe Magazine don’t understand libertarianism.

These libertarians want to take over New Hampshire. But first, a…
My wild week inside the Free State Project’s PorcFest, the largest libertarian festival in the world.

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I voted outside the LP only because the LP is either too censored by the msmSnews or has/had & still has such mediocre pr, but I have been “for Freedom” — religious, bodily autonomy, freedom-from war-taxation, clothes-freedom, educational freedom, freedom from the myriad social & economic tyrannies ¿Our? STILL bigoted-in to many ways to count #USgovt ( fed & state ), the right to bear arms since before I was old enough to vote, when My ex-#USgovt army Uncle taught Me, one of the tallest of My Cousins with sufficient wing-span, how to bare & fire a rifle effectively at age 10 ( & then advised Me NEVER EVER to join any branch of the #USgovt military even if drafted/forced under threat of a Felony Offense — as He was ). And I always preferred Gold because I thought #USgovt seemed dirty in my limited Experience ( long before I realized how it is drenched in Oceans of Innocent Blood & based on an “Economy of Death” ).

  • mARTy