Arnold, please sign the "Hands Off My Home" Pledge & resist the Feds!

Yo, Arnold!

  In the wake of the terrible and un-American SCOTUS (don't you love how that acronym sounds kind of like "scrotum?") ruling on eminent domain, the Castle Coalition has come up with a pledge of solidarity for state governors to declare that you will oppose efforts to take our homes for use by private developers (see below). I know you're not the kind of bully Donald Trump is, trying to push that little old widow out of her house so he could expand his casino. So please put some of those mighty finger muscles to good use and sign it!

  Oh yeah, and are you going to just sit there while the Feds trample all over your state's marijuana laws? Would you let them walk all over your grass with their jackboots if it was the lawn of your Burbank mansion we were talking about? I didn't think so!

  By the way, I know you are busy, but you should really take a time out and watch that video again that you did with your friend Milton Friedman promoting his book "Free To Choose." I think you were smarter back when you were hanging out with him! Or at least you sounded smarter when you were narrating that video. I know you are an actor, so maybe you were just pretending to "get" free market economics and you really didn't have a clue. But if so, you had me fooled!

  So have one of your aides dig out that video, and then the next time you are thinking about which position to take on an issue, you can just ask yourself WWMD? No, not "Where's the Weapons of Mass Destruction?" Let George worry about that, you're not president yet. And if you don't stand up to the special interests on the state spending/pension crisis, you'll look like a weakling and probably won't ever get to BE president. I know your ratings are taking a hit now, but you've got to pull out all the stops and win -- if you beat them decisively, California's economy will rebound in a big way, and you'll look like an action hero again and people will forgive you.

  "Ya, but vat is WWMD?" I hear you ask. Right -- that's "What Would Milton Do?" Words to live by when you're handling a lot of OPM (other peoples' money). Now go kick some ass!

      <<< Starchild >>>

P.S. - Those Democrats in the legislature aren't REAL girly-men, you know. You should have just called them stupid politicians in suits. Wait, I forgot you've been acting like a politician and wearing suits a lot yourself lately... But anyway, if you want to see some REAL girly-men, you need to come to San Francisco and check out Trannyshack.

P.P.S. - Why don't you appoint Jesse Ventura to something? He'd be a natural for California, and it would help distract the media from your fundraising and magazine deals besides. You may be a movie star, but you're still a Republican, so you know they're not going to cut you any breaks.

P.P.P.S. - The other day I saw a picture of a t-shirt that said "Democrats are SEXY. Who ever heard of a nice piece of elephant?" That's been bothering me a lot, and I was just wondering if you might be able to think of any good come-backs. Your grasp of economics may be slipping, but you still get off some good one-liners!

Great letter. Way to go, Starchild!

Thanks, Francoise! Good to hear from you...