April 30 - May 6 Guardian cover story a must-read

I highly recommend that everyone read the over story of last week's
SF Bay Guardian, if you haven't already. It details the history of the
Examiner newspaper under the Fang family. The level of corruption revealed
is truly staggering, as is the fact that it all happened pretty much right
in public view and to this day the same players are running the show and no
one has been held accountable.

  Publication of this story, while welcome, also raises an
uncomfortable question for the Guardian: What does it say about the paper's
priorities that they failed to endorse Libertarian Vesko Marinov, the only
candidate running for BART Board against Republican and corrupt Fang family
member James Fang?

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

I hope you're writing an LTE to the Guardian to ask them that exact
question about their position on the BART Board election.

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