I was not attempting to dictate anything to you. I was simply telling you about an idea I had for content, and as I said to you last night, I fully respect that you may not have time to produce such a show yourself. I was not expecting that my idea simply be adopted -- I wanted to run it by you, describe what I had in mind, and get your thoughts on it, since we hadn't talked in a while, and I wanted to hear where you were at, as well as letting you know we'd come up with a name for the other timeslot, since I wasn't aware of you being in on that conversation.
I expected that any plan would be discussed with the group, and that we would decide as a group whether to go forward with it or to do something else. But you feel that any idea for the timeslot you control must meet your approval, and your approval alone. That *is* what you're saying, isn't it? If you'd say so here in so many words, I'd appreciate it. Then there won't be any question about it, and you can go do your own thing if that's what you want and I won't stand in your way. Anyone wanting to help with your timeslot as a subordinate will be free to do so, knowing exactly where things stand. I'd probably be glad to assist myself as hired help, if you go that route. Since I've worked for you before, you know that I don't mind being a subordinate, but if I'm going to volunteer I'd like some voice in the project.
Criticism is free speech, so I do have the right to criticize, as does everyone. But I was *not criticizing* your idea for content. And I wasn't telling you to spend time arguing with me about process, simply saying I thought there should *be* a group process. As I told you in our conversation (when I thought we were working with two timeslots), it made sense to me that one of the timeslots be a basic talking-head format show, such as you have planned, and the other one to be something different.
I thought you and Mike were going to try to reserve timeslots basically on behalf of the LPSF, and that many of us would be involved in the work of developing and producing the shows to fill those timeslots. Your idea seems to be that anyone who wants any say in making decisions needs to go get their own timeslot. That is not what I thought the plan was going into this whole thing.
I don't have time to run my own show from start to finish. That's why I was hoping to work with others in producing one of the shows. You say I already had an opportunity to participate -- in what? So far, you and Mike simply took the training in order to get the timeslots. The vast majority of the work on this project is yet to come, and I am not shirking anything or trying to "come in after the fact." You're saying *you* don't have time to produce your own show either. This sounds like you want others to do the production work, but to keep final control entirely to yourself. Which is certainly reasonable if you're paying for it, or if you find people who want to volunteer without having any say, as long as they know the score going in.
If I have to go through the process to reserve a separate timeslot just in order to have a voice in producing a Libertarian TV show in SF, I'm certainly willing to do so, if there is anyone else hoping to collaborate rather than going it alone. I had hoped we could work together more than that, is all.
Yours in liberty,
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