Any agenda items for next Saturday's

Great idea. I think we resolved the _discussion_ about in-meeting
activism (and we decided to do it whenever a meeting was short on other
business), but then we conveniently forgot last month and ordered our
pizza half an hour early.

I'll make a new standing item under Old Business, always last on the
agenda, for In-Meeting Activism (postcards, phone calls, letter-writing,

Does that work?

Rob wrote:

Here's an idea: Each of us write and bring a letter to the editor
and an envelope with first-class postage, we read each letter aloud,
and people sign onto whichever letters they agree with as co-
signatories. That way we end up with a bunch of letters signed by
multiple individuals (I think having multiple signatories tends to
add to the weight of letters). Obviously the letters should not be
written in the first person, or it won't sound right to have more
than a single author. Immediately after the meeting, we go out and
drop all the signed letters in the mail.

  We could even make this a regular thing for each meeting and offer
some sort of prize or recognition to the person writing the most
popular letter each month.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Dear Starchild;

Nice idea however ...

In this day of email a mailed letter on a topic of interest to a publication received in the mail is usually the proverbial day late and a dollar short no matter how many signatures it receives.

Even when I have been able timewise to read a newspaper item and get out an LTE that morning to the appropriate publication via email it competes with a whole passel of other emails for attention.

Even with weekly pubs like the SF Guardian and SF Weekly they need to see the email for going in next weeks pub no later than publication day or at most day after as they are already shaping the next weeks issue and the final decisons on publication for the following week takes place on friday for the wednesday edition.

I used to work at the SF Business Times a weekly newspaper and I know of what I speak from personal experience.

Snail mail doesn't even work for op-eds anymore this I know as well.

Back to the Burning Bush for new ideas - okay!

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno


  I think you exaggerate the timing factor somewhat, but whatever. We
can always make it letters to government officials instead.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

Dear Rob.

You wrote:

I'll make a new standing item under Old Business, always last on the
agenda, for In-Meeting Activism (postcards, phone calls,

I endorse this standing item: "Activism Planning for Next Month's
In-Meeting Activism."

Warm regards, Michael

Dear All,

At one time someone suggested the idea of logging on to SFGate and
lambasting articles published on that day. We would only need one
computer with Internet access; and we could all contribute to one or
two letters or comments. This would be timely, spontaneous, and can
fit whatever time we have.


Dear Marcy;

That is good as it is simple to open a commentary log in account at SF Gate. Then everyone who agrees to could be on a special LPSF contact list for notices to go to the url article and post commentaries.

The SF Examiner also has a section on all articles to do the same.

Anyone else interested in getting log in accounts at either or both newspapers to go on a specialcontact list for articles of interest which given the nature of the beast there are usually more than enough articles each day to have one of prime interest or even two or three.

When an article of interest is discovered then the article url goes out to the contact list and everyone responds at their leisure.

Preferably the same day.

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno


I like Marcy's suggestion. I recommend we put it on the agenda.

Warm regards, Michael