Announcing The ROCK THE R3VOLUTION TOUR Coming To A City Near You!


I endorse Starchild's guidelines for our group.

Announcements, such as ROCK THE R3VOJUTION can be labeled "OT."

Warm regards, Michael

Thank you for the input, Michael. I agree.


Hmm. You're putting me in the awkward position of arguing against my own guidelines. :slight_smile: Well, actually just one of them, the suggestion of putting "OT:" in the subject line of off-topic posts.

  I put that in there as a sop to people who wanted the SFBayCannabisCommunity list to focus only on cannabis stuff, to allow them to filter unrelated posts. But I've always felt one of the strengths of the LPSF list is that people are free to discuss whatever, that there really is no "off topic".

  Maybe it's a vain hope on my part that libertarians have more in common than a group of people who happen to support cannabis freedom?

Love & Liberty,
                                   ((( starchild )))