Anarchist Speed Talks & Social

An alternative space called Loophole (located at 285 9th Street, near the corner of Folsom) will be hosting a free evening of short talks on anarchy this coming Friday, March 10, from 7 to 930pm.

I’ll be giving a short talk on the topic of “Non-aggression with a side of land reform”.

If you plan to attend, or want to let others know about it, please refer them to the LPSF Meetup page, where I created a meetup for the event:

Other speakers are invited, so if you have something to say on an anarchy-related topic yourself, you can sign up here –

Here is the event description as posted at the above link (but please RSVP there to help show the Meetup world that people are attending):

Loophole space (285 9th Street @Folsom) is hosting a free event featuring short talks on various topics. (Unfortunately the space is NOT wheelchair-accessible, being up one flight of stairs.)

LPSF chair Starchild will be among the presenters, planning to talk about the libertarian Non-Aggression Principle and some ideas about geo-libertarian (aka georgist) land reform.

You too can sign up to give a talk on an anarchist-related topic if you desire! Or just come and listen (presumably there will also be Q&A, or a chance to ask questions and give feedback).

From the organizers:

"Come join us for an evening of anarchist speed talks and hangout! This free event is all about bringing people together to share ideas and connect with like-minded folks.

Anyone can and is encouraged to give a talk regardless of experience - we will have dedicated time for last-minute sign-ups as well as a sign-up sheet.

Talks should be 5-20 minutes and in the broad themes of anarchism, punk, anti-statism, and liberationist spheres. Whether you’re an experienced activist or just curious about anarchism, hopefully, there’ll be something for you.

Oh, and we’ll also have tables set up for zines, flyers, art, stickers, or whatever else you’d like to share. It’s a great chance to browse and pick up some new reading material.

After the talks, we’ll hang out for a bit. This is a chill space where you can meet new people, chat about the talks, and have a good time.

Feel free to bring snacks to share and please support the veganarchist by not including animal products and considering food that is labeled and edible by a wide number of people."

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

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Here’s the updated list of anarchist talks for Friday night…

From: Queertopia
Subject: Anarchy Speed talks!
Date: March 10, 2023 at 12:17:38 AM PST
To: Queertopia

Hi everyone!

Thanks for signing up to give talks tomorrow! I have randomly set a possible order:
Starchild: Non-aggression with a side of land reform
mARTy: Nudism&Naturism & How NAP includes Everyone in The #AnimalKingdom
Lydia: An anarchist point of view on religion and spirituality
Tobie: (re)building a cooperative on trans, anarchist, and liberationist values
Mikayla: “I just stumbled into this, or: How I’m actually just pretend be an anarchist to fuck DSA members”

Talks should be 5-20 minutes. We have a projector with the ability to show slides/video/sound etc if desired.

The address is 285 9th St. Inc. Doors are at 7 and talks are scheduled to start at 7:30, and we ask that everyone pack up by 11. Ring the doorbell and someone will come down.

The venue is Loophole, a queer and trans collective warehousey events space.

This is our first hope, hopefully of a regular series. I suspect it will be low attendance from the weather and figuring out how to ball rolling, but you never know :P. We have 4 RSVPs, but a wide announce on our signal and instagram accounts.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))


Begin forwarded message:

On Mar 9, 2023, at 3:00 PM, wrote:


Sent from MailDroid

-----Original Message-----
From: “Srecko (Steve) Bartl”
To: Barbara West, Jeff Flint, Starchild, Patricia
Urbina, Allison Braithwaite, Deborah
Binder, Paul Cavanaugh, Annat Koren, andy hayden, Adam Brier, Roy Ferreira
Sent: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [sfbarentersfed] Anarchist Speed Talks & Social (Friday Mar. 10, 7pm)

I would have seriously considered coming, if just for this line .

Feel free to bring snacks to share and please support the veganarchist by not including animal products and considering food that is labeled and edible by a wide number of people."

But, alas, I’m out of town.


On Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 12:10:27 AM PST, Starchild wrote:

In case any of you SFDebate folks are interested…

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

Begin forwarded message:

From: Starchild <>
Subject: [sfbarentersfed] Anarchist Speed Talks & Social
Date: March 9, 2023 at 12:06:44 AM PST
To: LPSF Announcement List <>
Cc: SF Bay Area Renters Federation <>,

An alternative space called Loophole (located at 285 9th Street, near the corner of Folsom) will be hosting a free evening of short talks on anarchy this coming Friday, March 10, from 7 to 930pm.

I’ll be giving a short talk on the topic of “Non-aggression with a side of land reform”.

If you plan to attend, or want to let others know about it, please refer them to the LPSF Meetup page, where I created a meetup for the event:

Login to Meetup | Meetup

Other speakers are invited, so if you have something to say on an anarchy-related topic yourself, you can sign up here –

Here is the event description as posted at the above link (but please RSVP there to help show the Meetup world that people are attending):

Loophole space (285 9th Street @Folsom) is hosting a free event featuring short talks on various topics. (Unfortunately the space is NOT wheelchair-accessible, being up one flight of stairs.)

LPSF chair Starchild will be among the presenters, planning to talk about the libertarian Non-Aggression Principle and some ideas about geo-libertarian (aka georgist) land reform.

You too can sign up to give a talk on an anarchist-related topic if you desire! Or just come and listen (presumably there will also be Q&A, or a chance to ask questions and give feedback).

From the organizers:

"Come join us for an evening of anarchist speed talks and hangout! This free event is all about bringing people together to share ideas and connect with like-minded folks.

Anyone can and is encouraged to give a talk regardless of experience - we will have dedicated time for last-minute sign-ups as well as a sign-up sheet.

Talks should be 5-20 minutes and in the broad themes of anarchism, punk, anti-statism, and liberationist spheres. Whether you’re an experienced activist or just curious about anarchism, hopefully, there’ll be something for you.

Oh, and we’ll also have tables set up for zines, flyers, art, stickers, or whatever else you’d like to share. It’s a great chance to browse and pick up some new reading material.

After the talks, we’ll hang out for a bit. This is a chill space where you can meet new people, chat about the talks, and have a good time.

Feel free to bring snacks to share and please support the veganarchist by not including animal products and considering food that is labeled and edible by a wide number of people."

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

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